Mobil Oil Ads

These are just a small portion of the ads that we have for sale. None of these are reproductions, all are original. Most of these are large ads, larger than our scanner bed. Therefore the view shown on the page may not completely show the ad. They are placed in a plastic bag with a cardboard backboard for protection. Please e-mail us with your specific interests.

These ads are listed in chronological order with the oldest ad listed first.

e-mail Vic with questions

Three color 7 1/2" x 10 3/4" ad for Gargoyle Mobiloil which gives information to operators of Commercdial Equipment, specifically Farmers, about Operating Costs and "How they are influenced by Correct Lubrication". The picture at the top of the ad shows a farmer seated on his tractor which is stopped at the top of a small hill and is talking to another man who has stopped his car on the road and come over to the farmer. The text explains that farmers are noticing a reduction in operating costs when they regularly use this product and it tries to explain why this is. It mentions that "Nine out of Ten lubricating oils on the market are simply by-products in the manufacture of gasoline" and promises that Gargoyle Mobiloil does not fit into this category. The ad contains a Chart of Tractor Recommendations with the advice to "Make the chart your guide".
May 1922
Successful Farming
Mobil 3

Three color 8" x 10 1/2" ad for their Gargoyle Mobiloil. The text begins with a story about a farmer from Iowa who had bought some product at a public auction but the government tested it and found it to be contaminated. They explain that purchasers of food are more protected by the government than someone who purchases motor oil. Experts have tested and found out that even cheap oil is better than no oil or not enough. The claim is made that "Gargoyle Mobiloil is made by a company which for more than 58 years has specialized solely in lubrication". They have created a chart, which is printed on the right side of the page, that gives the recommended lubrication for all automobiles made from 1920 to 1924. This chart gives the recommended type of Gargoyle Mobiloil to be used in each of the many cars built in one of the heydays of automobile manufacturers.
November 1924
Successful Farming
Mobil Oil 4

Three color 7 3/4" x 11 3/4" ad for their Summer Oil. In the days before Multi-Garage Oils drivers needed to change their oil seasonally and Mobil laid claim to producing the "World's largest-selling Summer Oil". The ad has a picture of a lady who is smiling as she stands next to her dog who may or may not be smiling. There is a smaller picture of a service station attendant who is leaning into the enging compartment of a car to insert a quart of oil.
July 1937
Better Homes & Gardens
Mobil 1

Black and white 5" x 13 1/2" ad for Mobilgrease from Mobil Lubrication. This ad has the headline stating that "DISCOVERED By 2,500,000 More Yhis Year. MOBILGREASE Won't Squeeze Out Or Wash Out" that is surrounding a picture of a young woman who is turning to look at the camera, smiling sweetly, with a sponge in one hand and a squeege in the other, as the ad has her saying that "Mobilgrease made our car ride like new". The ad then tells us that "More and more motorists are buying Mobilgrease because they find it's absolutely the best grease for keeping their cars quiet, easy-riding! It won't wash out or squeeze out. It's on the job every minute - stopping squeaks, guarding against wear! Try Mobilgrease today - at your Mobiloil dealers". At the bottom of this ad, there is a picture of a man, staring upwards, saying that "If millions use it...I'm convinced Mobilgrease is best for my car, too".
April 11, 1938
Life magazine
Mobil 7

Full color 9 3/4" x 13 3/4" ad that is for Mobiloil Oil from the Socony-Vacuum Oil Company. This ad says "All-Round Protection!" over a fish tank that contains two goldfish swimming as they are being watched by a watchful gold cat. The ad text asks if you "Notice that this fat little fish is safe from every angle. Here's the point! Your precision-made modern car engine needs this same kind of all-round protection! For even at moderate speeds, it's a scorching, churning inferno...a torture chamber for weak, thin oil. But Mobiloil is tough, clean, clinging...made to insure engine safety at every vital point under every condition. You get all-round 'Balanced Protection' with Mobiloil every mile you drive. That means long enjoyment of all the smoothness built into your engine. Change to Mobiloil. See how it...1. Retards flow. Flows fast at starting temperature; resists thinning under heat. 2. Resists sludge formation. Mobiloil is distilled, refined, dewaxed, filtered. 3. Reduces wasteful 'oil drag.' Helps you save on gasoline. 4. Resists carbon formation because unstable elements are removed from the oil".
May 20, 1940
Life magazine
Mobil 6

Full color 9 3/4" x 13 3/4" ad for Mobiloil Special Oil. This ad has a drawing of a desert-scene where, in amongst the hills and the cactus, there sits a frying pan with a V-8 engine sitting in it and that along with the pieces of cactus nearby has smoke oozing off of it. There is a can of Mobiloil Special Oil sitting next to the engine that is very cool and comfortable in the head. The ad headline says that this is "Special protection in sizzling weather plus quiet power and performance you can feel at the wheel". The ad text says that you can "Let the thermometer bubble and boil - you have nothing to worry about when your engine is protected with New Mobiloil Special. This amazing year-'round motor oil retains its 'body' - doesn't thin out excessively - even in sizzling heat. It cuts wear so drastically - it can actually double your engine's life. What's more, New Mobiloil Special helps control engine knock, pre-ignition and spark plug fouling - thus, in effect, adds octanes to your gasoline. Your engine runs smoother and quieter - has more power - delivers better gas mileage, too. Try it - New Mobiloil Special - for the difference you can feel at the wheel".
July 9, 1956
Life magazine
Mobil 5

Full color 10" x 13" ad for the Mobiloil Special. The headline claimed that this oil "Flows freely - portects instantly...can preserve new-car performance twice as long!" and attempts to prove that by having a picture that shows a quart of this oil frozen in a block of ice yet is able to pour freely on a day where the surrounding scenery is totally covered with snow. The text talks about the many benefits of using this oil and claims that "it can double the life of your engine!". It mentions the many ways that it will improve the running of your car and claims to be the "Best" for older cars..
February 18, 1957
Life magazine
Mobil 2