Cold Relief Ads

There are other products that do not appear on this page that advertise for cold relief. Some of these, aspirin for example, I have chosen to list on other pages. Please check on the other pages in this category if what you are looking for does not appear here.

These are just a small portion of the ads that we have for sale. None of these are reproductions, all are original. Most of these are large ads, larger than our scanner bed. Therefore the view shown on the page may not completely show the ad. They are placed in a plastic bag with a cardboard backboard for protection. Please e-mail us with your specific interests.

e-mail Vic with questions

Black and white 10" x 14" ad for Alka-Seltzer and how it can relieve your cold. There is a drawing of a man all bundled up on a farm and he is outdoors shoveling snow, I think. The ad has him saying, "Sure, I'd take care of a cold!...and I know a way to add comfort too!". The ad then says that "Almost everyone has his own special way to take care of a cold" yet the feeling is that Alka-Seltzer makes them feel much more comfortable while they are suffering. In other words, Alka-Seltzer is something else that will help you feel comfortable, not by getting rid of your cold.
January 9, 1956
Life magazine
Health Cold 8

Black and white 9 3/4" x 13 1/2" ad that is for Alka-Seltzer Effervescent Analgesic Alkalizing Tablets. This ad shows three different pictures in a row with the same man. In the first he is standing there with a pained look on his face, in the second one he is drinking something from a glass marked Alka-Seltzer and, in the third one, he is smiling and has a peaceful look on his face. The headline says, "That feel-better feeling", above the pictures, and then "is just...a swallow...away" below the pictures. It then says that "It happens to everyone, every so often. You feel below par, under the weather, just plain 'tuckered out.' Take Alka-Seltzer. That feel-better feeling is just...a swallow...away. Alka-Seltzer speeds through your system to attack headache and stomach upset, reduce muscular aches and pains, fight fatigue. Helps you freshen up and feel better. Next time you're not feeling yourself, drop two Alka-Seltzer tablets in a glass of water. Listen to it fizz! Drink it! This liquid relief brings that feel-better feeling fast".
February 17, 1961
Life magazine
Health Cold 12

Three color 5" x 13" ad that warns you to take Alka-Seltzer at the first sign of a Cold. The picture in this ad says that it is "Sneezin' Season and it shows a man trying to get home from a day at work, it is raining and his umbrella has blown inside-out. The ad text tells us "At the first sign of a cold take...Alka-Seltzer. There is no cure for a cold, but there's nothing quite like Alka-Seltzer for relief of many cold miseries * Relieves headache pain * Soothes muscular aches and pains * Reduces fever. Alka-Seltzer - to help you feel better while you're getting better".
November 23, 1962
Life magazine
Health Cold 11

Three color 9 1/2" x 13" ad for their Aspirin Products. The ad shows a thermometer that seems to be high in temperature and the headline says "For Colds and Flu...Doctors Recommend: 1. Rest in bed, 2. Drink plenty of fluids and 3. Take aspirin to reduce fever and relieve pain." At the bottom of the ad are sample pictures of their Aspirin and Aspirin for Children boxes along with the claim that "Nothing you see advertised is more effective. Ask your Doctor.". This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
February 8, 1963
Life magazine
Health Cold 2

Black and white 10" x 14" ad that has the word "Headache?" at the top of the page with the anguished eyes of a sufferer shown underneath. Beneath this it says that you can "Get faster pain relief with Bufferin acts twice as fast as aspirin". It shows the cutaway of the human body on the left with three numbered signs of areas of interest. Number one says that "Medical science knows that a pain reliever must go through the stomach and into the blood stream to relieve pain". Number Two says that "Bufferin combines aspirin and two antacid ingredients. These speed the pain reliever out of the stomach and into the blood stream twice as fast as aspirin so...". And Number Three says "Bufferin acts twice as fast as aspirin to relieve pain. And it won't upset your stomach as aspirin often does".
January 9, 1956
Life magazine
Health Cold 9

Full color 9 1/2" x 13 1/2" ad for Coldene - The Liquid Cold Medicine. This ad introduces itself by stating "The 5 stages of the common cold and how to attack each" and, then, breaking the body down into the five areas and what they do. First, they show the Red Area and it is responsible for Sneezing, Sniffles and Stuffy Nose. Next we have the Blue Area which is covered by the Sore Throat. Then we have the Green Area which is burdened by Constant Coughing. Next we have the Yellow Area which is presented with a Tight Chest. Last we have the Pink Area which has the Muscular Aches. This ad tells us that "Coldene is unlike any cold-and-cough medicine ever offered over druggists counters. Furthermore, it doesn't rely on the limited effect of one or two drugs, but unites the powers of several potent ingredients...all in proper balance. Coldene is a prescription-type medicine. It contains a powerful new ingredient previously unavailable in medicines sold over the druggist's counter. This ingredient, together with a painkiller, an expectorant and an anti-allergen, tell you why Coldene is so effective and versatile".
November 19, 1956
Life magazine
Health Cold 13

Black and white 9 3/4" x 13 3/4" ad that is for Dristan Decongestant Tablets for Sinus Congestion, Colds and Hay Fever. This ad claims that there is a "Revolutionary 3-layer tablet for relief of Colds Miseries and Sinus Congestion". There is a picture of a man standing there with eight white arrows pointing to areas on his face and, the ad claims, that it "Helps Drain All 8 Sunus Cavities (critical areas of cold infection)". The ad text then tells us that "Dristan Decongestant Tablets, working through the bloodstream, bring dramatic relief from colds miseries, sinus congestion and pollen allergies. Dristan...amazing medical achievement...contains: (1) The scientific decongestant most prescribed by doctors. Reaches all congested areas in minutes...Shrinks swollen nasal-sinus membranes...promotes drainage...restores free breathing. (2) An exclusive anti-allergent to block allergic reactions often associated with colds, plus a highly effective combination of pain relievers. Relieves body aches and pains due to colds, reduces fevers. (3) Vitam C, to help build body resistance to colds infection. For quick relief, get Dristan Decongestant Tablets".
June 8, 1959 &
March 14, 1960
Life magazine
Health Cold 3

Hexylresorcinol Solution S. T. 37
Black and white 4 3/4" x 12 1/2" ad for this product designed to relieve the pain from Sore Throats. There is a picture of a young woman experiencing severe pain from her sore throat, clutching the front of her neck in an attempt to find relief. The ad offers the advice that, for an ordinary sore throat, you only need to gargle with this product but if you have a deep sore throat, advice is given on how to spray it into your throat. With bold letters the warning is given that "Sore throat may be a forerunner of diphtheria and other diseases". It is claimed to be both a germicide and able to dull the pain of sore throat. You are even urged to pour it on every cut, burn or scrape that your children may incur. Prices are given of 50 cents or $1.00 for bottles from your druggist.
February 23, 1935
Saturday Evening Post
Health Cold 5

Black and white 4 3/4" x 8 1/4" ad for their Nose Drops and Vaporub. The ad headline warns you to "Take Care...Colds-Susceptible!" and another headline alerts you to the "Vicks Plan for Better Control of Colds". The ad contains a picture of a lady using Vicks Nose Drops and another picture of a smiling man spreading Vicks Vaporub on his chest.
March 1934
Better Homes & Gardens
Health Cold 1

Black and white 5 1/4" x 13 1/2" ad that will help you to Be Ready for attack by Colds on the Home Front. There is a picture of a happy mother holding up her two children over the stamp that urges you to "Put Clinic-Tested Vicks Plan to Work in your Home Today". There was a winter-long test run of 2650 children which resulted in Fewer colds...Shorter colds...50% less sickness from colds. There are three steps to the Vicks Plan and they are explained at the bottom of this ad.
October 26, 1942
Life magazine
Health Cold 7

Full color 9 1/2" x 13 1/2" ad for their Cold Relief Products such as their Vaprub and Va-Tro-Nol, their Medicated Cough Drops and their Inhaler. There is a picture of a worried set of parents standing over a soundly sleeping little girl as they realize, "Just's relieving miseries of her cold as she sleeps...". The ad mentions that "No Wonder young Mothers are now welcoming this modern way to Relief!" and the pictures show their products being used in different ways. Another headline claims that "9 out of 10 Rochester Homes Vote for Vicks" but the ad is not specific as to Rochester in what state.
Life magazine
Health Cold 6

Full color 9 1/2" x 13" ad for their Cold Relief Products. There is a picture of a peaceful little girl fast asleep in bed with her hand holding her baby doll. The headline says "As she romps in the land of dreams...This Modern Way Relieves miseries of Her Cold!" and the test explains about the relief and comfort she found when her mother used Vicks VapoRub. It talks about how it works and claims to be used by "88 out of every 100 young mothers in Rochester". Another section of the ad mentions other products like Vicks Va-Tro-Nol, Vicks Medicated Cough Drops and Vicks Inhaler and the bottom headline claims that there are "Now over 94 million Vicks packages used yearly".
January 14, 1946
Life magazine
Health Cold 4