Men's Grooming Ads

These are just a small portion of the ads that we have for sale. None of these are reproductions, all are original. They are placed in a plastic bag with a cardboard backboard for protection. Please e-mail us with your specific interests.

e-mail Vic with questions

Full color 10" x 13" ad shows a sultry red-head holding a container of 007 after shave as she sits at a gaming table. The ad also pictures three gift kits and their prices. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
December 17, 1965
Life magazine
Grooming Men 4

Full color 8" x 10 3/4" ad for their Men's Grooming Products. The picture shows a dresser top where a man has placed a few of his important items before going to bed. There is the lit cigarette burning in the ashtray, the traveling alarm clock, his pistol with a few loose bullets lying next to it and his bottle of 007 After Shave. The healine says "007 gives any man the license to kill...women" ant there is a picture of an attentive blonde next to a picture of a gift box with a bottle each of their After Shave and Cologne with a price of $3.50. The text mentions that, in addition to the pictured items, they also offered Shave Cream, Spray Deodorant, Hair Tonic, Tald and Soap. The ad ends with the plea that "When you use 007, be kind".
December 1965
Grooming Men 78

Full color 10" x 13" ad shows several different products and gift sets for this brand along with pictures that show the attractive females that you MAY come in contact with. The ad implies that these gifts are applicable on "Father's Day, Graduation Day or any old day" you should "dare to give him what he really wants...007". The writers of this ad seem to be taken with the nomenclature of the spy business. They tell us that "There's a 007 gift set for every assignment. They range from the full arsenal with all seven grooming aids, to the fast getaway model with 007 After Shave and Cologne".
June 10, 1966
Life magazine
Grooming Men 11

Aqua Velva
Full color 9 1/2" x 14" ad for their After Shave Lotion. The headline says that "Here's Your Invitation to join one of the world's foremost clubs" and has a drawing of seven men who claim to use this product seated in a group. These men include Albert Spalding, Brig. Gen. John J. Bradley, U.S.A. Ret'd, Maj. George Fielding Eliot. Lauritz Melchior, Louis Bromfield, Burgess Meredith and George Biddle. The text describes where you will be standing when the next picture is drawn and describes how you will feel, inside and out, when you use this product.
October 24, 1947
Life magazine
Grooming Men 76

Aqua Velva
Black and white 10" x 13 1/2" ad for their After Shave drawn by Norman Rockwell. Pictured in the ad is a smiling man holding up a well-used bottle of this product and the headline calls it "A luxury that actually does you good". The text talks about skin infections due to shaving and claims that Aqua Velva contains two special ingredients that "automatically help take care of any break in the surface of the skin" and claims that "that tingling sensation you feel when you apply it is proof of Aqua Velva's action". It urges wives to buy him the Luxury Lotion that he would buy himself.
June 1, 1953
Life magazine
Grooming Men 94
/ Rockwell

Sold Out

Aqua Velva
Full color 9 3/4" x 13 1/2" ad that says "Something about that man..." and then announces the "New Ice Blue After Shave". There is a photograph done in blue-tint that shows a very affectionate couple dressed up and standing outside near the water. The ad has three points of interest to talk about. First there is the "New Aroma" and the ad says that "A unique scent-prolonger, M-10, makes the ice blue aroma of new Aqua Velva really last. 1500 men tested leading after shaves. New Aqua Velva won hands down. And their girls loved it". The second one is "New action" and the ad says that "A new skin conditioner, Humectin, in Ice Blue Aqua Velva "gives your skin a drink". It restores skin moisture removed by today's closer shaving razors and skin-parching push-button shaves". The third one is the "New feel" which says that "Ice Blue Aqua Velva refreshes in a new way. It cools without bite - tingles without sting. 60 cents and $1 at drug and food stores".
April 8, 1957
Life magazine
Grooming Men 112

Aqua Velva
Full color 9 1/4" x 11 1/2" ad for their Ice Sport Cooling After Shave. The ad shows a man emerging from a small lake with snow-covered mountains in the background and throwing his arms back while the headline calls it "Exhilarating". The ad calls it "The Newest fragrance from Aqua Velva" and says it is "Available in Cologne and After Shave".
September 7, 1995
Rolling Stone
Grooming Men 96

Black and white 4 1/4" x 13 1/2" ad for Barbasol for Modern Shaving, "For modern shaving No Brush - No Lather - No Rub in". There is a picture of a very pretty girl, smiling in an attention-getting way, and the headline has her saying "I'd like your check Old Boy - if you had a Barbasol face". It then says that "No woman likes to see a man's face getting old and wrinkled when he's still in his prime. What has this got to do with Barbasol? We'll answer you with another question. Why do men in the tropics look old at forty? It's the sun - the hot sun drying out the skin, making it wrinkled and old looking. Old-fashioned shaving methods work the same havoc with skin. Containing alkalis, they tend to bite, dry and wrinkle it. With Barbasol, it's an entirely different story. Being a cream, Barbasol smoothes and refreshes and leaves the skin feeling soft, looking young after every shave. Get a tube of Barbasol today, try it for two solid weeks, and see how much smoother and younger your face looks. Get yourself a Barbasol Face and keep the ladies happy. What need to mention that Barbasol gives the finest, cleanest, sweetest shave a man ever had! The fact that it is America's largest-selling shaving cream speaks for itself. Large tube, 25 cents; Giant tube, 50 cents; family jar, 75 cents. And five scapel-sharp Barbasol Blades for 15 cents. At all drug stores".
May 17, 1937
Life magazine
Grooming Men 115

Three color 5 1/2" x 13 1/2" ad for their Cream for Modern Shaving. There is a picture of a winking man wearing a turban as he puts his arms around three exotic women under the headline "How to keep peace". The text explains that you will make your wife happy by having a smoother face and you can sleep later since it takes less time to shave with this product. This ad is taller than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
May 22, 1939
Life magazine
Grooming Men 63

Sold Out

Black and white 5 1/4" x 13 3/4" ad for Barbasol Sanitary Beard Softener. This ad starts off with the drawing of six well-dressed ladies anxiously peering away from the viewer as the headline states that "Women In Seven States Are Looking For Me". Below this is a drawing of a man standing near his car that is hooked up to a trailer. It calls him a "Traveling Salesman - that's what I've been for years, but never did so well with the women until I discarded old-fashioned shaving methods and switched to modern Barbasol. Now, instead of having a dry, coarse, bristly skin after shaving, my Barbasol Face is as clean as a pin, as smooth and fresh as a daisy". The next drawing shows a man smiling as he is shaving and the caption claims that "Speed Counts when you're on the road, and Barbasol gives me a sweeter shave in less time - whether the water is hot or cold". The text continues.
March 11, 1940
Life magazine
Grooming Men 139

Three color 5 1/4" x 12 1/2" ad for their Shaving Cream. This wartime ad has a drawing of the attractive Barbasol Girl holding a big red heart over her seemingly naked body next to the words "My Heart for a Barbasol face!". The ad also has a picture of a man in a tropical setting and the text talks about how whether it is hot or cold or in-between, men like Barbasol because it works. This ad is taller than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
February 28, 1944
Life magazine
Grooming Men 50

Sold Out

Three color 5 1/4" x 13 1/2" ad for their Sanitary Beard Softener. The ad has a drawing of three Showgirls getting ready in their dressing room. One girl is defending her actions to one of the other Showgirls by saying "I did not marry him for his money, he's got a Barbasol face!". The ad has a drawing of the tube and the box it comes in as well as showing a pack of their blades. This ad is taller than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
October 28, 1946
Life magazine
Grooming Men 55

Sold Out

Three color 5" x 14" ad for their Lotion Deodorant. The ad has a series of drawings that show a man working out with dumbells and the caption "Feel Athletic...", a man running for the train with the caption "Look Athletic..." and sitting at his desk at the office with everyone leaning away from him with the caption "But don't have Athletic Aroma". The ad warns that "No soap stops it long! Be SURE - with this LOTION deodorant". The text describes how it works and mentions a price of 39 cents and there is mention of their shaving cream at the bottom of the page.
June 14, 1948
Life magazine
Grooming Men 69

Three color 5" x 13" ad that advertises Barbasol Shaving Cream. At the top of the ad there are the words "For Best Results: Shave with Barbasol" over a drawing of two skaters, a man who has stopped to help a woman dressed in red, get back to her feet. The ad has her saying "I fell...for that Barbasol face!" before the ad continues on. "Smooth and cool as a skating rink - that's your Barbasol face. Smooth, because Barbasol's special brushless ingredients with the toughest beard for close, clean, lasting shaves. Cool, because Barbasol never dries out natural skin-oils - as soapy lathers do. Instead, it leaves your skin soft and refreshed - and actually soothes a chapped up or windburned face. So for comfortable cold-weather shaving, get Barbasol".
December 13, 1948
Life magazine
Grooming Men 119

Three color 9 1/2" x 13" ad for their Cream for Modern Shaving. This ad has drawings of four seductive women pausing in their poses to say something nice about Barbasol. Their comments range from "The sm-o-o-o-thest men I know use Barbasol" to "Popsie always sings while he shaves now - since he switched to Barbasol". There is a picture of a smiling man who is saying "Men, those lovelies give you only four good reasons for using Barbasol. There's lots more!". This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
Life magazine
Grooming Men 62

Sold Out

Black Belt
Full color 9 1/4" x 12" ad for their Cologne, After Shave and Gift Sets. The ad has nine pictures of gifts of this product that have been given and opened along with the notes that indicate how strongly the women who gave the gifts feel about the men they gave them to. The ad calls this "The reward for outstanding achievement, given by a woman to her man". This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
December 10, 1971
Life magazine
Grooming Men 44

Black and white 9 1/2" x 13" ad for a Jet-BlackTravel Bag filled with their products which is called The Boss Gift. The text describes the items in very appealing terms and gives a price of $30.00 for the works. It mentions that there are other gifts available at prices $3.75 to $13.50.
December 1967
Grooming Men 103

British Sterling
Full color 7 3/4" x 11" ad for their Cologne for Men. The ad shows a bottle of this product on a dresser with numerous pictures of attractive women behind it and the headline urges you to "Become a legend in your own time. Wear British Sterling tonight." The text discusses the value of this and the After Shave and claims that it will bring out the best in you.
December 1965
Grooming Men 102

Black and white 7 3/4" x 10 1/2" ad for their Brut 33 Skin Moisturizer with Joe Namath. The ad has a picture of him holding up a bottle of this product and asking "I'm not entering any beauty contests. So why do I use a skin moisturizer?". The text explains why a man needs what this product provides and ends by calling it "Physical fitness for a man's skin".
August 1977
Grooming Men 80
/ Joe Namath

Full color 8" x 10 3/4" ad shows a sad lady with a tear running down her cheek. The ad headline claims that "It's hard to say goodbye to a man who wears Brut". Also shown in the ad are one bottle each of their cologne, after shave and deodorant
June 1985
Grooming Men 21

Burma Shave
Full color 8" x 11" ad that features a country side drawing that shows a set of the famous Burma Shave signs. The ad headline says, in typical Burma Shave limericks "We're widely read and often quoted. But it's shaves, not signs for which we're noted!"
May 1963
Sports Afield
Grooming Men 17

Sold Out

Calvin Klein
Full color 7 3/4" x 10 3/4" ad for their "Fragrance for Men". The ad shows a man with no shirt lying in bed on top of a woman who will not let him get back up.
June 8, 1985
Grooming Men 20

Full color 7 1/2" x 10 1/4" ad for the Chanel for Men line of products. The ad contains a photo of a man facing away from the camera and a very attractive woman standing behind him with her hand around his waist as she looks back at the camera.
April 1980
Grooming Men 34

Black and white 5 1/4" x 13 1/2" ad for their After Shaving Lotion and their Eau de Cologne. The ad has a picture of a container of the Eau de Cologne and gives a price of $1.25 and $5.00 for the After Shaving Lotion and prices of $2.50 and $6.50 for the Eau de Cologne. This ad also gives information about Breathless perfume. This ad is taller than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
October 28, 1946
Life magazine
Grooming Men 54

Full color 10" x 13" ad for their After Shave Lotion. The ad has a picture of a bottle of Citation, the gift box that it comes in and, behind all of this, a statue of an eagle which is the bird on the Citation label. The ad headline crows (little play on words there) that "This is Citation. Have you discovered the surprising secret of The Shave Lotion That Works". The description of this product indicate it was more of a healing lotion rather than a scent, there is mention of a masculine aroma but only after the medical claims. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
December 6, 1960
Look magazine
Grooming Men 52

Full color 9 1/2" x 13 1/2" ad has a photo of the several different kinds of Citation products by Mennen. Above these is a photo of a feminine hand placing her index finger on the bow formed by a piece of green ribbon. The ad headline says "You put your finger on it - the perfect gift for him." This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
December 11, 1964
Life magazine
Grooming Men 39

Sold Out

Black and white 6" x 9 1/2" ad for their Shaving Lathers. The ad shows that it is available in a Stick, in a Powder or in a Cream. The ad headline claims there are "Three Methods - One Result - and Every Shaver Satisfied".
January 1912
The World's Work
Grooming Men 43

Sold Out

Three color 10" x 13 1/2" ad for their Instant Barber Shave. There is a drawing of a man's hand pushing the top of a red and white can and the lather that has come out has the words "Instant Lather...So Rich It Stands Up..." embossed in it. There is a picture of a man in the process of shaving and he is saying "and locks your whiskers in lather!" and another picture of him having just finished, holding the can up saying that "No other kind of shaving so comfortable". The ad mentions that a can will cost you 79 cents and last you about 3 months.
June 21, 1959
Life magazine
Grooming Men 73

English Leather
Black and white 7 1/4" x 10" ad for their Grooming Products for Men and the supposed effect it had on women. Pictured in the ad are twelve different, very beautiful women, each picture having the caption "All my men wear English Leather. Every one of them." The ad also shows a bottle of their English Leather Cologne with a price of #4.00, a bottle of Lime After Shave priced at $2.50 and a sample of their Gift Sets that had prices going from $3.00 to $10.00.
June 1970
Grooming Men 99

English Leather
Black and white 8" x 10 3/4" ad for their Ginseng Cologne for Men with a somewhat erotic lithograph of a couple lying close together. The headline claims that "A Great Fragrance isn't just Sex, It's Art" and the text mentions some of the herbs and fragrances incorporated into this product. The ad also mentions a new product, a Ginseng Cologne Posket MIST-er which allowed you to spray a scent into your shirt pocket for extended protection. Kind of like the deodorizers we now hang from the rear view mirrors in our cars.
January 1979
Grooming Men 101

Three color 10" x 13 1/2" ad for their Injector Razor. The ad has a picture of four men in Washington D.C. beginning to shave while another man times them with a stopwatch. The ad headline claims that it "Shaves Fastest and Easiest in Capital 'Shavathon' too" and claims this product is 50% Faster - 100% Safer - 200% Smoother. The ad claims that a special was taking place where you could buy a razor and 20 blades for $1.25. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
October 28, 1946
Life magazine
Grooming Men 56

Three color 10" x 14" ad for the "World's only Razor with Automatic Blade Changer". There is a picture of a man whose face is all lathered up for a shaving and he is using the Automatic Blade Changer to insert a new, sharp blade into his razor. The headline says "For Smoothest, Fastest, Safest Shaves - give Dad a Gift that's sure to 'Click' - for Father's Day!". The text claims that this razor "Ends 4 Biggest Shaving Nuisances!" and lists them as 1) "Fingers never touch the blade", 2) "Nothing to take apart", 3) "No time wasted" and 4) "Less irritation" and lists a special price of $1.25 for the razor and 20 blades. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
June 14, 1948
Life magazine
Grooming Men 66

Three color 9 1/2" x 12 1/2" ad for their Injector Razors. The ad shows items and prices for gifts that you can give for Father's Day. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
June 13, 1949
Life magazine
Grooming Men 31

Black and white 5" x 13 3/4" ad for Gem Micromatic Razor and Blades. This ad has a picture of a young boy with a very sly look on his face as he is standing at the front door and he is saying to the man who is asking, "Sis says she's out!". The ad then says "Don't let '5 O'clock Shadow' get you a cool reception". It then tells you that "If she's out to you when she's in to others - perhaps '5 O'Clock Shadow' is to blame. No woman likes that messy beard growth which appears prematurely in late afternoon...Gem Razor's scientifically built bevel head gets the beard at skin level; the 50% thicker Gem Blade, stropped 4840 times to super-sharpness, leaves behind not the slightest trace of whiskers! Be clean all day the Gem way". The ad has a form to fill out and send in to get 1 single and one double-edge Gem Blade and the REGULATION CHROME-PLATED GEM RAZOR".
April 11, 1938
Life magazine
Grooming Men 138

Black and white 6 1/4" x 8 1/2" ad for their Shaving Products. The ad has a picture of two stylish men standing with two stylish women. The first line of the ad reminds the men that "Woman is the great civilizer" and states that Gillette "does not reek of violet water and pomades".
November 1910
The World's Work
Grooming Men 42

Sold Out

Black and white 5" x 13" ad for their Blue Blades and how they can help your social life. There is a picture of an attractive lady at a party sitting in a chair while one man kneels in front of her talking and another, the hero of the ad, stands rubbing his chin and wishing that he had taken the time to shave before coming out. The headline says that "He felt like a Tramp when he tried to get by without shaving"and the text has each of us men thinking back to a time when we took the short cut, didn't shave and encountered someone special. It talks about the manufacturing techniques that allow these blades to be as sharp and long-lasting as they are and mentions that each is wrapped in its own envelope and anchored at four points. The prices are given for buying these in quantities of five or ten and the new razor from Gillette, the Aristocrat is shown with directions on how it works.
February 23, 1935
Saturday Evening Post
Grooming Men 105

Four color 10" x 13" ad for the two different types of razor blades that Gillette is selling. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
March 27, 1939
Life magazine
Grooming Men 2

Four color 9 1/2" x 13 1/2" ad for their two types of Razor Blades, the Thin Blade and the Blue Blade. The top part of the ad is for the regular Thin Blade and shows a happy man with his face lathered up and running his razor across his face. The headline says "Easy...Refreshing...Double-Quick Shaves with this new Gillette Blade at 1/2 Price" and mentions a price of 4 for 10 cents or 8 for 19 cents. The bottom part of the ad, the one dedicated to the Gillette Blue Blade has a picture of a clean-shaven man having a woman run her fingers across his cheek as she cuddles against his chin. The headline here says that "Naturally...You Men who want utmost Shaving Luxury demand the Gillette Blue Blade" and the ad claims that it "Outsells any other Razor Blade" while priced at 5 for 25 cents.
May 22, 1939
Life magazine
Grooming Men 83

Sold Out

Full color 10" x 13" ad for their One-Piece Razor demonstrates the features of this razor. It also shows several different models with their carrying cases and gives their prices.
October 20, 1947
Life magazine
Grooming Men 8

Sold Out

Full color 5" x 12" ad for their New Sun Up After Shave. The ad has a picture where, in the foreground, a man is taking a serious sniff from a bottle of Gillette Sun Up After Shave while, in the background, an attractive blonde is casting her eyes upon the man. Next to the bottle in the picture is the caption "from France comes oil of Lavender..." and the ad suggests that you "Give Sun Up for Father's Day in the handsome 6 oz Gift Package". This ad is taller than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
June 12, 1964
Life magazine
Grooming Men 57

Full color 9 1/2" x 12 1/2" ad for their Sun Up lines of Men's products. The ad headline brings your attention to a "Place of honor this Christmas...elegant new gift sets by Gillette" and shows and describes four different sets as well as giving prices. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
December 11, 1964
Life magazine
Grooming Men 37

Full color 10" x 13" ad for their "new hair grooming discovery for men" called Heads Up. The ad shows a sample of their liquid and their tube. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
October 15, 1965
Life magazine
Grooming Men 14

Full color 10" x 12 1/2" ad for the Gillette Starter Kit. The ad has a large drawing of a young man's hairy face and a photo of their 99 cent kit.
June 30, 1967
Life magazine
Grooming Men 13

Black and white 7 1/4" x 10 1/4" ad for their new aerosol hair control the dry look. The ad headline says "Announcing The Dry Look for oily hair".
September 1973
Grooming Men 18

Black and white 5" x 13" ad for the Glider Shave Cream from J.B. Williams Co.. This ad has the headline saying there is "A New Shave Cream For The 1 Man in 7 Who Shaves Every Day...Forms protection between razor and face...keeps blade from scraping or irritating skin". It then claims that "Important business and social contacts now demand that most men shave at least once every day. Yet daily shaving makes many a man's skin raw and irritated unless it's protected against razor scrape. To meet the 'shave-a-day' man's problem, Williams has built an entirely new-type shave cream. It's called Glider. You spread on Glider quickly and easily with the fingers - never a brush. It's not sticky or greasy, and it won't clog your razor. Glider forms a thin protective layer on your face. Over this rich, heavy crem you razor slides - swiftly and easily - without scraping. Here's how you can try Glider FREE. Just send us your name and address, and we'll mail you a generous tube of Glider absolutely free. On this one trial, we rest our case. We think you'll agree with thousands of others that Glider 'No-Brush' Shave is the finest shave cream you-ve ever used".
May 2, 1938
Life magazine
Grooming Men 132

Black and white 2 3/4" x 13" ad for their Shaving Cream in a Tube. The ad headline claims this is "A special preparation for shaving" and says it is "For the 1 man in 7 who shaves daily". Boy how times have changed. This ad is taller than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
July 2, 1945
Life magazine
Grooming Men 47

Hai Karate
Black and white 10" x 13" ad for the products that made women unable to resist, their After Shave Foam, the After Shave Lotion and their Cologne. The ad gives instructions for the product, not for how to use it but for how to protect yourself after using it. The headline warns "Don't dare use it without memorizing this: and has a three step Self-Defense procedure to free yourself from an excessive hug and maneuver the woman into a disabled position. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
October 6, 1967 &
November 24, 1967
Life magazine
Grooming Men 10

Hai Karate
Full color 7 1/2" x 10 1/2" ad for their After Shave Products. This ad, a smaller version of another one on this page, gives a three-step instruction on how to defend yourself against a woman who becomes overcome by the Hai Karate product that has been applied to your skin. It shows a bookish-looking man being attacked by an attractive woman and he fends her off and controls her with a few simple moves. This ad shows and gives prices for their After Shave Foam, their After Shave Lotion and their Cologne and the text mentions the Hai Karate Gift Set.
December 1967
Grooming Men 75

Sold Out

Hai Karate
Full color 7 1/4" x 10 1/2" ad that introduces the Hai Karate Oriental Lime line. The top part of the ad has a picture that shows bottles of the After Shave and the Cologne and, below that, is the normal disclaimer warning "Use too much and you can find yourself in a tight squeeze.". There is also a picture of an attractive lady throwing a man wearing glasses off balance with her ferocious advances. Fortunately, as the ad says, "Indispensable instructions on self defense in every package". The ad then says that "Limes are for squeezing. So you can imagine what can happen to you now that Hai Karate After Shave and Cologne come in a potent lime scent. Your girl can get carried away. And do squeezy things to you. That's why we have to put instructions on self defense in every package. Just like we do in regular Hai Karate. And, best of all, limes are also for cooling. So Hai Karate Oriental Lime's breezy feeling will help you stay cool through practically anything. Even strenuous acts of self defense".
July 1968
Hot Rod&
July 1968
Grooming Men 97

Hai Karate
Full color 7 3/4" x 10 3/4" ad for their Grooming Products for Men. The picture shows a loose assembly of bottles and boxes of Regular and Oriental Lime in After Shave Lotion and Cologne and the headline identifies these as "The Father's Day gift we won't sell without a note from your mother". The ad contains a coupon that is to be signed by any mother of a child who is considering getting their father a gift with as much power as Hai Karate.
June 1969
Grooming Men 79

Black and white 2 3/4" x 13 1/2" ad for their Shaving Cream. The ad has a drawing of a tricycle being used to transport two different size cans of this product. The ad headline claims you can "Ride to Comfort with Cool Shaves". This ad is taller than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
August 17, 1942
Life magazine
Grooming Men 40

Jade East
Full color 10" x 13" ad showing a bottle and a box of this men's cologne in a tropical setting. They are sitting on a series of small rocks, the box being on rock higher than the full bottle of Jade East and there is a half-piece of bamboo set so that it has water exiting just behind the bottle. The ad says that it offers "exhilarating elegance" for a price of $4.50 for Cologne and $3.50 for After Shave.
June 10, 1966
Life magazine
Grooming Men 12

King's Men
Black and white 10" x 14" ad for their After Shave Lotion. There is a picture of an older man wearing a cap, bow tie and a white shirt holding up a bottle of King's Men After Shave Lotion under the headline "I don't want to be a King...I just want to feel like one!". The text gives a price of "only $1" and describes many of the benefits of using this product and shows other products which include Pre-Electric Shave Lotion, Spray Deodorant, Thistle & Plaid Cologne and Aerosol Luxury Shave. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
March 18, 1957
Life magazine
Grooming Men 65

Kings Men
Black and white 9 1/2" x 12 1/2" ad for the first 24-hour skin tonic with a lively, masculine fragrance. The ad has a picture of a business activity where one man, sitting with a look of supreme confidence on his face, is going over some papers that two other men have given him and are waiting with anxious looks on their faces for his opinion. The ad headline says "Because every day counts...Count on Kings Men". The ad has a list of the other Kings Men products and gives the price of $1.00 plus tax. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
May 9, 1961
Look magazine
Grooming Men 53

Sold Out

Kings Men
Black and white 9 1/2" x 13" ad for their After Shave Lotion. There is a picture of a man's table where he has laid his important items at the end of the day. There is a bottle of Kings Men along with a cigarette case and a lighter, several keys and a pair of cuff links. The caption says "First Class" and the headline calls it an "Ego Builder" while the text explains that using this product makes you feel as special as you now smell. It mentions a price of "only $1.00" and mentions the other products that were available from this company.
June 5, 1962
Look magazine
Grooming Men 71

Sold Out

Black and white 9 1/2" x 13" ad for their two types of Shaving Cream. The headline is confusing as it asks "Have you tried the Shaving Cream guaranteed Not to make shaving a pleasure?". The text tries to throw some logic on this claim by stating that shaving is not pleasant so why ever say that it will be. There is a drawing of a smiling man who looks unsettingly like Rodney Dangerfield over a picture of the regular Shaving Cream while the caption whispers to the ladies to try some of their husband's Listering Shaving Cream as a shampoo. The ad lists a price of 35 cents for a tube that "lasts and L-A-S-T-S month after m_o_n_t_h after m__o__n__t__h". At the bottom of the ad we see a tube of their Brushless Shaving Cream with a price tag of 25 cents.
May 22, 1944
Life magazine
Grooming Men 91

Black and white 9 3/4" x 13 3/4" ad that is for Listerine Shaving Cream. This ad starts off with the question "Who else seconds the motion that SHAVING CREAM can't make shaving a pleasure?" and, then says, that "Men are flocking to try our no-hokum lather because our ads appeal to their intelligence". Huh! It then says that "It is obvious that the question of which shaving cream you use is not of world-shattering importance. And just as obvious, that we'd like you to become a regular buyer of our product. But instead of starting our story with an unsupported promise of pleasure, we prefer the premise that the only fun connected with shaving is having the job over and done with. Of course we have to blow our own horn to sell our Listerine Shaving Cream, but we do not want to clog the mouthpiece with phony suds. So we don't claim that using Listerine Shaving Cream is like pouring balm on troubled whiskers. We don't pretend that our cream contains mysterious ingredients to air-condition your face. We don't offer a single electron in a tubeful. We do say for Listerine Shaving Cream that it is a sensible shaving aid. In every fraction of an inch of this quality cream, there is lots and lots of good, rich lather which makes big billows of moisture-laden lather. This helps it wilt wiry whiskers, helps reduce the sting and nuisance of shaving. If after trying Listerine Shaving Cream, you think that you did not get your full money's worth, we will gladly refund your money. Or double your money, if that appeals to you more - because a dissatisfied customer never does a product any good. If our reasonable claims for a quality product appeal to you, why not meet Listerine Shaving Cream face to face? Ask for it at any drug counter. The price is low, the tube lasts long, so it is just as smart to buy as it is smartless to use". The ad claims that it costs 35 cents for the Listerine Shaving Cream and 25 cents for Listerine Brushless Shaving Cream.
June 19, 1944
Life magazine
Grooming Men 128

Max Factor
Full color 9 3/4" x 12 1/2" ad for their Signature line of Men's products. The ad contains information on the different sets that are offered and the prices charged. The ad headline claims that "He'll be so nice to be near...all through the year". This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
December 10, 1951
Life magazine
Grooming Men 32

Full color 9 1/2" x 13 1/2" ad for Mennen Skin Bracer. This ad has a drawing showing two different styles of their product, the one on the left has an all red package and the one on the right has one that is white with a red flower drawn on it and the sticker that they show says, "Take Your Choice Of The Gay Packages $1.00". The headline for this ad, right above a picture of a husband and wife kissing, says "He'll Love You Christmas Night...He'll think of you - Every Morning". The text for this ad says that "Joy Bells will Ring...when you present the man you love with a beautiful, de luxe Christmas gift package of Mennen Skin Bracer. The gift personal - intimate - affectionate. Mennen Skin Bracer is the largest-selling after-shave lotion in the world you know it's the gift he wants. Cooling, refreshing, mildly astringent, Mennen Skin Bracer adds a delightful finish to his daily shave. You'll lofe its 'he-man' fragrance, too. Look for the beautiful, new Christmas gift-packages of Mennen Skin Bracer at drug and toiletries counters - everywhere. Each package contains 12 ounces...more than twice as much Mennen Skin Bracer as the regular size. The price: Only One Dollar!".
December 17, 1945
Life magazine
Grooming Men 133

Three color 10" x 13" ad for their Brushless Shave Cream. The ad has a drawing of a beautiful redhead seated being caught in mid-wink as she whispers "I Like 'Smooth' Men".
April 22, 1946
Life magazine
Grooming Men 5

Full color 9 1/2" x 13" ad for their Menthol-Iced Lather Shave. The ad has an attractive lady in a sun-suit leaning against the bow of a wooden boat. This drawing was done by Mingo and contains the ad headline "They all tell me...You feel Cool. I'll tell you...You Look Smooth". This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad are not visible in the scanned view.
July 22, 1946
Life magazine
Mingo 1
/ Mennen

Sold Out

Three color 9 1/2" x 12" ad for Mennen Skin Bracer. The ad has a drawing of a sultry red-head sitting down in a long black dress. The ad headline has her saying "'You're nice to sit close to' when you use Mennen Skin Bracer". This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
October 21, 1946
Life magazine
Grooming Men 35

Sold Out

Three color 10" x 13 1/2" ad for their Brushless Shave Cream. This ad has a drawing of a smiling beautiful lady in a red gown as she entices "I like 'smooth men'"
November 18, 1946
Life magazine
Grooming Men 1

Sold Out

Colorful 10" x 13" ad helping you with "What to give a man for Christmas who's 'Got Everything'" by showing their Deluxe Gift Sets. This ad shows two different gift sets and their contents as well as showing what they sold for back then.
December 16, 1946
Life magazine
Grooming Men 6

Sold Out

Three color 10" x 13 1/2" ad for their Skin Bracer. There is a drawing of an attractive blonde lady sitting on a red couch looking invitingly toward the readers and the ad says that "Your chances...are better...when you use Mennen Skin Bracer". The text talks about it's "He-Man Aroma", the fact that it heals razor nicks and gives prices of 50 cents for a regular bottle and $1.00 for a big 12-ounce bottle. The ad also mentions the Mennen Lather Shave.
February 24, 1947
Life magazine
Grooming Men 64

Sold Out

Three color 5" x 13" ad with Sam Snead for their Spray Deodorant for Men. The ad has several pictures of the golfer, at rest and in action, and has him saying of this product, "It keeps me 'One-Up' on Perspiration Odor!". The ad text tells you that to use this product you "Just Squeeze - It Sprays" and gives a price of 59 cents. This ad is taller than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
August 20, 1951
Life magazine
/ Celeb Male 130

Full color 9 1/2" x 13 1/2" ad that discusses the Cash Off that Mennen was offering with four of their products. The picture shows their Prop, the Sof'Stroke shaving cream, their Skin Bracer and their Spray Deodorant under a headline which asks the question "Why would Mennen make such an unusual offer?" The text explains that millions of men use one of these products but they may not have tried them all. The $1.00 cash refund is to encourage men to try more of their products and to thank them for the ones that they have used.
October 3, 1960
Life magazine
Grooming Men 98

Black and white 4 3/4" x 12" ad for their Afta Aftershave Lotion with boxer Rocky Marciano. The ad has several photos of the Heavyweight Champ who was famous for wearing out his opponent's hands with his face. The ad headline identifies him as "Rocky Marciano - Chin of Iron...except when he shaves". This ad is taller than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
March 8, 1963
Life magazine
April 23, 1963
Look magazine
Celeb Male 114
/ Mennen

Black and white 5" x 13" ad for their afta After Shave Skin Conditioner with Stan Musial from the St. Louis Cardinals. Stan is smiling in the foreground as the background is a drawing of him swinging a bat with the catcher waiting for the ball that never makes it past the batter.. The headline says "Stan Musial - Man of Steel - except when he shaves!". The text claims it is "Especially made to condition, heal, protect dry sensitive skin" and there is a picture of the Handy New Squeeze Flask.
May 17, 1963
Life magazine
March 24, 1964
Look magazine
Celeb Male 230
/ Mennen

Monsieur Rochas
Black and white 7 3/4" x 10 3/4" ad with a close-up photo of their extra strength cologne with a wedding ring leaning against it. The ad headline calls it "The first cologne for Married Men".
December 1971
Grooming Men 26


Nine Flags
Full color 10" x 13" ad for their Shaving Cologne. The ad has a picture of a white container with nine bottles of cologne in and around the container. The ad headline states that "We wanted to import the world's one most exciting men's shaving cologne. We failed." and the ad explains that when they tried to narrow it down it was not possible so they chose the top nine and packaged them together. Now if you have this product you have choices that you can make, variety you can taunt your dates with. The ad mentions that it is available in single flasks or collections of 2, 3, 4, 6 or 9 - from $5 to $15. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
May 26, 1967
Life magazine
Grooming Men 59

Black and white 9 3/4" x 13 3/4" ad for their Norelco Rotary Electric Shavers. This is the ad that told you to "Give your sleepyhead shaving at its absolute modern best Norelco with Rotary Blade Action. It's like having your own personal barber". Then comes the portion where they sell you things. "To produce that small-boy-with-electric-train look on Christmas morning, give your gentleman a Norelco electric shaver. With Norelco, he'll start enjoying the smoothest, most comfortable shaves of his life - for 6 very good reasons. 1. Built to shave according to beard's natural growth - makes clumps and whorls disappear first time over. 2. No whisker pull. Norelco's 12 revolving blades shwve off whiskers with the same stroke as a barber's blade. 3. No skin irritation, no painful nicks, no matter how light or heavy his shaving touch. Norelco's silver-steel blades g-i-v-e as he bears down. 4. Face needs no break-in period. Exclusive skin-stretcher upends each whisker, gives great shaves from the start. 5. No repair-shop blades. Lubricated for life. Self-sharpening blades. Self-starting brush motor. 6. Easiest shaver to live with. Quietest of all 4 leading shavers. Designed to fit the hand. Cleans in a jiffy". At the right-hand side of this ad it shows that this shaver is, also, designed for the "Norelco Sportsman...for Outdoor Men" and the "Lady Norelco...for your fair lady".
December 5, 1955
Life magazine
Grooming Men 125

Black and white 10" x 14" ad for their Precision Rotary Electric Shavers. There is a picture of four men of different ages and hair-type standing around and talking about this razor while they try it out. The headline asks "Why have Norelco's Rotary Blades set a new standard for shaving comfort?" and the text goes into details in an attempt to snswer that question. It also gives a price of $24.95 for the Model SC7759 unit for men, a price of $24.95 for the Model SC7767 unit for women and a price of $29.95 for the Model SC7750 for the battery-operated unit for motorists and outdoor men.
November 12, 1956
Life magazine
Grooming Men 70

Black and white 10" x 13" ad that wants you to know that "Norelco's Rotary Blades stroke off whiskers, never pinch, never pull". The picture in the ad shows that the "Shaving comfort travels in the smoothest circles" which seems to be "clockwise" and the bottom part of the picture shows that there are now "Two great new Norelco Speedshavers". One of these is the Floating Head Speedshaver and the other is the Flip-Top Speedshaver. The ad begins by saying that "The very first time your face feels the soothing stroke of rotary blades, you'll know why Norelco is America's Number 1 shaver. What a relief to get cheap, close shaves without the pinch, pull and irritation of old-fashioned back-and-forth clipping action! Norelco's rotary blades go round and round to stroke off your whiskers. They whirl around in one smooth continuous motion to give you the closest shaves with the greatest amount of comfort your face has ever known".
November 3, 1961
Life magazine
Grooming Men 111

Black and white 10" x 13" ad for their Rotary Blade Shavers. There is a picture of a smiling father in his bathrobe who is being hugged from behind by his young daughter while he holds his Norelco SpeedShaver and she holds the case. The headline has her saying "Daddy. you don't make those awful faces since we gave you a Norelco". The text explains the difference in the blade action of this unit and gives a list of features found in this particular item.
June 5, 1962
Look magazine
Grooming Men 68

Black and white 9 3/4" x 13 1/2" ad for the Norelco 20 'flip-top' Speedshaver. This ad starts off with a view of the Norelco 20 Speedshaver sitting pretty on its back with the label facing towards the reader as the headline says that it is a "Tough time for beards...Great time for faces!". The ad then says "Isn't it time you got the world's most comfortable shave? Norelco's Rotary Blades stroke off whiskers. Never pinch, pull, irritate!". The text then tells us that "When your Norelco Speedshaver starts to hum by Dawn's Early Light, it's a swan song for your whiskers - but sweet music for your face! Not one smitch of your overnight beard can escape Norelco's rotary blades. They go round and round continuously to stroke off stubble in the world's most comfortable shave. What a relief to be free forever from the pinch, pull and irritation of old-style, back-and-forth shavers. There's a line of Norelco shavers to choose from - priced to fit every budget! Above: the Norelco 30/SC 7870 'floating head' Speedshaver - with swiveling heads to fit your face, not fight it! 110/220 volts (AC/DC)". This ad also mentions "Four new Norelco products for grooming comfort! 1) Home Barber Kit, 2) Prelec, 3) Finale, 4) Shaver Cleaner
November 23, 1962
Life magazine
Grooming Men 124

Full color 9 1/2" x 13" ad that tells us, at this time of the year, that "Christmas is a time for closeness" and ends the ad by saying "And closeness is what Norelco is all about". The entire ad is a picture of many of the products that Norelco was offering at this time. The largest item is a Home Beauty Salon 30LS that "Shaves and does 11 glamorous things from manicure to massage". Next is the Lady Norelco 15L which was Gracefully designed for a woman and inexpensive". Then we have the Cordless 20B which is a "Perfect portable: shaves up to 7 weeks on 4 penlight batteries". Then we see the Tripleheader III 35T which is "The shaver the blades can't beat for closeness". Next we have the Speedshaver II 20 which is "The perfect first shaver: inexpensive, close and comfortable". Then we have the Rechargeable Tripleheader III 39CT which is "Our economy-minded rechargeable; same great shave as the other tripleheaders". Then we have the Lady Norelco 20L which is "A big, extra-thin shaving head for fast, close shaves". Then, last of all, we have the Rechargeable Tripleheader III 45CT which provides "The ultimate way to shave; gives up to twice the shaves per charge as any other rechargeable".
December 10, 1971
Life magazine
Grooming Men 113

Old Spice
Black and white 9 1/2" x 13 1/2" ad that mentions items that could be used as gifts "For the Fathers of our Country on June 15th". In photographs we are shown an Old Spice Shave Set for $2.00, another Old Spice Shave Set for $2.75, a bottle of Old Spice After-Shaving Lotion for $1.00, A new Shaving Cream in either brushless or lather type in a large tube for 50 cents and some Old Spice Shave Soap in a pottery mug for $1.00.
Grooming Men 85

Old Spice
Black and white 9 3/4" x 13 1/2" ad that is for the Old Spice Early American Shave Sets. This ad starts off with the words "A Man's Idea of a Real Gift..." just above a picture of the "Old Spice Shave Soap in Pottery Mug $1.00". The text says that you should get him "Something he can use, and really enjoy! Superb toilet accessories - shaving soap (in mug), after-shave lotion, cologne, bath soap and talcum - all scented with invigorating Old Spice. He'll be particularily pleased with the traditional appeal of the pottery containers and red-lined, wood veneer chests, decorated with authentic reproductions of the gallant ships that blazed the way for Early American trade. Old Spice good grooming requisites are sold individually, or in combination sets, as issustrated below, up to $5.00".
December 18, 1939
Life magazine
Grooming Men 126

Old Spice
Black and white 9 1/2" x 13 1/2" ad for gifts that, if given, can make it "A Merry, Merry Christmas, Gentlemen". This ad, highlighting Early American Old Spice, has a picture that shows several different items. The picture shows Old Spice Shave Soap (in pottery mug) for $1.00, Old Spice After-Shaving Lotion for $1.00 or $1.75 and an Old Spice Shave Set for $2.75. Not shown in the ad but mentioned are Old Spice Cologne for $1.00 or $1.75, Old Spice Talcum for 75 cents, Old Spice Bath Soap for $1.00 and another Old Spice Shave Set for $2.00
December 16, 1940
Life magazine
Grooming Men 92

Old Spice
Black and white 5 1/4" x 13 1/2" ad for Old Spice Spray and Stick Deodorants. At the top of this ad there are two photos, one of each kind of their deodorants, and the ad claims that they are "Both in plastic!". The text of the ad starts off by proclaiming that "Men! Two great deodorants for all-day protection! And either gives you safe, sure man-sized coverage!". The ad then discusses each of the two deodorants. The first is "Old Spice Spray Deodorant is the quickest-drying spray! By actual test, dries twice as fast as other leading sprays. Spreads on the skin more rapidly; doesn't trickle down your side. And it's a fine anti-perspirant: non-irritating, non-sticky, non-staining". Then we have the "Old Spice Stick Deodorant applies and dries faster than any roll-on, any cream, any ordinary stick. Two quick strokes give complete coverage, and you're safe all day. In new unbreakable plastic case; no foil to fuss with - just remove the cap, and it's ready".
June 29, 1959
Life magazine
Grooming Men 137

Old Spice
Black and white 9 3/4" x 13 1/2" ad that is for Old Spice Smooth Shave Shaving Cream. This ad has a picture of a man who is smiling as he takes a wide swathe down his cheek as the ad headline says "Here it is! A shaving cream built to take the speed of the new super-sharp blades!". It then says that "Old Spice Super Shave helps take friction out of shaving! It's super lather for super-sharp blades! Today's new super-sharp blades really travel. They're faster, keener than any blades you've ever tried - and they call for a shaving cream that can keep up the pace; a lather that saturates whiskers fast to reduce the friction that slows down shaving and causes razor drag. That's why you should use Old Spice Smooth Shave, the super lather that's action-matched to the new super-sharp blades. It contains special wetting agents that saturate and lubricate thoroughly to reduce friction and speed up shaving; lets your razor sweep and swing so free and easy, you can barely feel the blade!"
June 6, 1960
Life magazine
Grooming Men 118

Old Spice
Full color 9 1/2" x 12" ad shows a pair of feminine hands holding up a five piece gift set as a male hand takes it with gratitude. In the background of the picture is a scene showing sailboats on a lake. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
June 18, 1960
Saturday Evening Post
Grooming Men 36

Sold Out

Old Spice
Full color 10" x 14" ad for their popular After Shave Lotion. The ad, using a familiar picture of two men in Naval uniform standing by the rail on a ship at sea, has a headline calling Old Spice "The one lotion that's cool, exciting-brisk as an ocean breeze!". It then says that "The one and only Old Spice you that great-to-be-alive feeling...refreshes after every shave...adds to your assurance...and wins feminine approval every time. Old Spice After Shave Lotion. $1.25 and $2.00 plus tax".
November 9, 1962
Life magazine &
December 1962
Grooming Men 74

Old Spice
Full color 4 3/4" x 13" ad for their After Shave Lotion. The ad has a picture of two men wearing naval officers uniforms standing and talking on the deck of a ship. The ad headline states "...and in Rome they say "Dia accento alla sua vita" and the ad gives prices of $1.25 or $2.00 for the After Shave Lotion or $1.50 for the red plastic Traveler. This ad is taller than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
November 16, 1963
Saturday Evening Post
Grooming Men 61

Old Spice
Full color 9 1/2" x 13" ad has a photo of a set of shelves filled with the different kinds of Old Spice products that are available for this Christmas. The ad headline explains that "To most just isn't Christmas without Old Spice - the gift with that masculine, spice-fresh aroma". This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
December 11, 1964
Life magazine
Grooming Men 38

Old Spice
Full color 10" x 13" ad that, if you follow it's advice, "Suddenly...Christmas is going to be merrier!". The photo at the top of the page shows a woman who has purchased something from Old Spice for her man. She is trying to tease him and she is standing with it behind her back while he is standing face to face with her. Obviously it is nice that she has the label facing the camera. The ad shows the inside of four of their gift packets. They say that "That's the way it is with Old Spice...the gift with that brisk, bold masculine aroma".
December 27, 1966
Look magazine
Grooming Men 108

Old Spice
Full color 7 1/2" x 10 1/2" ad for their Musk for men. The ad has a photo of a young man with no shirt being held from behind by a young lady who has her arm around his chest and her lips to his ear. The ad headline calls it "Very Convincing" and talks about the Cologne and the After Shave in new unbreakable bottle. It offers this as "The perfect gift for a sensuous man. A very different musk that comes across with unmistakable intentions. Deep, mysterious and long-lasting. And above all, definitely male".
May 1977
& January 1979
Grooming Men 41

Black and white 9" x 13 1/2" ad that is a very unique one for the Packard Lecktro-Shaver. This ad has a full-height picture of a naked little boy crawling on a bed as he wonders what is going to happen next. The ad asks "Just an idea of how smooth your face feels after using a Packard Lecktro-Shaver". There is an inset at the top left side of the picture that says that you should "Insist on the Round Head" and the text at the bottom of the ad says "$15 everywhere. U.S. Pat. No. 1,970,518. Progress Corporation, 521 Fifth Avenue, New York". It then says that "Copies of this picture without advertising will be sent FREE, on request".
May 17, 1937
Life magazine
Grooming Men 116

Black and white 9 1/2" x 13 1/2" ad for their Twin Dual Electric Shaver. The headline announces that "Packard is Back! with an amazing New Electric Dry Shaver!". There is a photo of this unit with the words "4 Smooth, Round Heads...shave closer, faster, easier!" and there is a box that contains Exclusive Features that Only Packard offers. The price given for this unit is $19.75 and the claim that "Next to you face, Packard is priceless!".
November 18, 1946
Life magazine
Grooming Men 87

Black and white 5" x 13 1/2" ad for their Hollow Ground Razor Blades. Calling it "Your Best Blade Buy!" while saying that it "Shaves you better...Costs you less" and asks you to "Prove it Yourself at our Expense". The text talks about their claim and how this product is made batter before showing diagrams of their Injector Blades and their Single & Double Edge blades, complete with prices.
May 22, 1950
Life magazine
Grooming Men 104

Full color 8" x 11" ad for their Cologne for Men. There is a picture of a couple sitting in what looks like a bar from a medieval time with barmaids wearing white hats gathered around the happy man and the tolerating woman and the headline says that "The lusty life is back And it starts at the Sign of the Pub". The text talks about tankards clashing as songs turn bawdy and the innkeeper locking up his daughter for the night because YOU have spashed on some Pub before coming out for the evening.
December 1965
Grooming Men 77

Black and white 7 3/4" x 10 3/4" ad for their Cologne with Joe Namath holding a football. The ad has the headline "The kind of guy who uses it doesn't need it."
December 1971
Celeb Male 82
/ Pub

Remington Rand
Black and white 5" x 13" ad for the Remington Rand Electric Close-Shaver. Just above a picture of this item, where it gives a price of $15.75, it has the headline saying that it "Shaves Close!". The text claims that "When the world's largest manufacturer of precision appliances puts its name on an electric shaver, you can bet your last whisker that it will really shave! Close! Clean! Fast! Without injury to the skin! Without weeks of 'learning how'! The Remington Rand Close-Shaver is the only shaver that has all these advantages: Shaves Close from almost any angle. Doesn't have to be held 'just so'. Greater Cutting Surface for faster, closer shaves. Combing Bar to lift the hairs and guide them into the cutters. High-Speed Motor that runs on A.C. or D.C.. Light, Compact Design to fit your hand and prevent slipping. If you're dealer can't supply you with a Remington Rand Close Shaver, send a check or money order (but be sure to mention your dealer's name so we can credit him with the sale) to General Shaver Corporation, Bridgeport, Conn - a division of Remington Rand Inc.".
March 14, 1938
Life magazine
Grooming Men 134

Full color 9 1/2" x 13 1/2" ad for their Remington 60 de Luxe Auto - Home Electric Shaver. There is a picture of an outdoor scene where three sports cars are parked in a cluster. A well-dressed man has plugged his Remington into a Red Corvette and is proudly shaving away while an attractive blonde leans on the windshield and looks at him with awe. The headline says "Now! Shave as you go...Shave where you please!" and there are pictures of it being plugged into a cigarette lighter or into a regular outlet at home. As automobiles had just made the change from 6 volt to 12 volt systems, and many foreign cars had not changed yet, the ad mentions a "Choice of Models, 6 volt & 110 volt or 12 volt & 110 volt". The text talks about some of the features and mentions that the makers of this product, Remington Rand, were sponsoring What's My Line and Caesar's Hour on network TV.
May 28, 1956
Life magazine
Grooming Men 82

Full color 9 3/4" x 13 3/4" ad for the Remington Rollelectric Electric Shaver. This ad shows a picture of a plane's officer standing in front of a group of hard-working men and, the ad's headline claims, that "He shaved his hidden beard in the U.S.A. early this morning". The text tells us that "Longer-lasting shaves are yours with the amazing Remington Rollelectric. Here's the first really new shaving development since electric shaving began. The Rollelectric shaves the Hidden Beard other shavers miss. (See below how the Rollelectric does a shaving job that's never been done before.) The Rollelectric's exclusive Roller Comb action also protects tender facial a smooth, all comfort shave every time! Once you shave with a Rollelectric, you'll agree that all other shaving methods are outmoded". Pictured in this ad is a Before and After picture showing "Here's your hidden beard" and "Here's how Remington gets it".
November 19, 1956
Life magazine
Grooming Men 136

Full color 9 1/2" x 13" ad with Brooklyn Dodgers pitcher, Sal Maglie for the Remington Auto-Home Rollectric Shaver. The ad has a photo of the pitcher sitting in his car shaving away. The ad has a nice photo of the box that this product comes in with the different accessories. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
June 10, 1957
Life magazine
Celeb Male 120
/ Remington

Black and white 9 1/4" x 13 1/4" ad that is for the Remington Ledtronic II Electric Shaver. The headline of this ad asks a question, "18 shavers cost less than a cordless Remington Lektronic II. So why buy a Remington?". Maybe the text will give us the answer. "The motor is self-powered. Sealed-in rechargeable en ergy cells let you shave anywhere without a cord. Forget to recharge? There's a cord. Plug in, shave on the spot. Every Remington shaver has 348 whisker cutting edges. Made of surgical high-carbon steel they're harder, stay sharper longer than stainless steel. Honed on an angle rather than straight across, they slice whisker's off rather than "plough" them up. This is the shaving head. Big. Strokes a wide path as it moves over the beard. Note the slots. 756 to be exact. Since the whiskers have to pass through the slots to get to the cutters, the more slots, the faster the shave. These comb-like rollers are exclusive with Remington. They're right on the shaver head. They adjust to every type of skin and beard. Roller Combs let you shave close without burning your face. They roll skin down...pop whiskers up into the cutters. The self-powered Lektronic II is the most effective shaving instrument a man can use. That's why it costs a little more".
December 3, 1963
Look magazine
Grooming Men 121

Full color 7 1/2" x 11" ad for the Remington rechargeable shaver. The ad photo shows a man standing on a very small island with one palm tree. He is surrounded and/or holding several items that are identified as the choices you have for a free gift when buying this shaver. There is also a beautiful girl in a white two piece bathing suit which, the photo claims, is not available as a free gift.
June 1969
Grooming Men 19

Full color 9 1/2" x 13" ad that gives you hints on "How to think like a man when you buy a shaver". It suggests that you "Give him the shaver more men give themselves", Remington. The full ad is a picture of a very attractive young lady with blonde hair and the text is written and placed on very attentive places on her face. I have taken some of the items written and relayed them for you, not that I am all-knowing or all-seeing, just that I have the ad in front of me. They claim that "The blades on the newest Remington Lektro Blade Shaver are four times sharper than they used to be, and can be replaced by equally sharp blades in a mere instant". They feel that "If you were a man, you'd be vain about your sideburns and moustache and wouldn't let anything bad happen to them. Our big Hideaway trimmer will see to it that only the best things happen to them". They say that "If you were a man, your skin and beard would be different than other men's skin and beard. Our special comfort system is designed to let each man adjust his shaver to his own particular beard". And, finally, "If you were a man, your shaver design would have to be more than pretty. It would have to make sense. Although our slanted head design is easy on the eyes, it's real purpose is to provide easier, more comfortable handling. Especially on the neck".
December 10, 1971
Life magazine
Grooming Men 114

Black and white 9 1/2" x 12 1/2" ad for their CFL Electric Shaver. The ad has a picture of a man holding the shaver up for inspection and a stamp that says Rated Best next to it. The ad text explains that it was rated best for closeness, for speed and for comfort. The ad also mentions that it has Super Trim which is "a seperate trimming edge to square-up sideburns, trim mustache, clip long hairs other shavers miss". This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
June 7, 1960
Look magazine
Grooming Men 48

Black and white 9 3/4" x 13" ad that is for the Ronson 200 Shaver. This ad says that "We've got the greatest shaver in the world...but nobody know it?" and it has the shaver pictured, all alone, with nothing else in the picture. The text claims that "We knnow that the new Ronson 200 is the greatest shaver in the world. Nobody else knows because it's so new. But don't take our word for it - we want you to try it before you buy it! Your Ronson dealer has a free Trial Display on his counter complete with a new Ronson 200. Stop in tomorrow and experience the close, fast, comfortable shave the gives. Sideburns, mustache and elusive hairs in the collar-zone are trimmed neat and clean with Ronson's exclusive, newly designed Super-Trim. Let your dealer demonstrate some of the other Ronson 200 features - results of years of experience and research in shaver design and manufacture. Automatic Power Cleaning lets you clean your shaver in seconds without brushing or rinsing. Snap-in replaceable Miracle Cutter and micro-thin shaving screen keep the 200 brand new, and it stays with you, not at the factory for service". The text goes on describing the benefits you will enjoy with this shaver.
December 3, 1963
Look magazine
Grooming Men 130

Black and white 9" x 13 1/2" ad for their Injector Razor and why their latest improvements have made such a difference. The headline says "Better Than 10,000 Words" and an arrow is pointing to a picture of a man running a comb over the back of his hand leaving furrows in his skin. The text explains that, for this reason, Schick has "abandoned its common 'Tooth' type blade guard" for the Solid, Flat Guard being introduced at this time. There is a "Right" and a "Wrong" picture that helps explain the differences and other pictures that show how easy it was to change the blades. There is a picture of the unit with its case and a price of $2.00 with 20 blades.
May 2, 1938
Life magazine
Grooming Men 95

Black and white 5 1/4" x 13 1/2" ad for their Injector Razors. This wartime ad states that "If you own a Schick Injector can start cheering" and announces that "Schick Injector Blades are back". The text explains that "Months ago many of you had to lay aside your Schick Injector Razors. At that time, Government Priorities required all the blades we could make for the armed forces. But now our production is sufficient for both military and civilian needs". The ad reminds all users of the "revolutionary Schick Injector features" and asked everyone to "Tell your friends that these blades are back". It urged anyone that had a spare Schick Injector Razor to give it to a friend that didn't have one because, even though the blades were now available, "we still can't get the material for new Schick Injector Razors".
January 24, 1944
Life magazine
Grooming Men 81
/ Wartime

Sold Out

Full color 9 1/2" x 13 1/2" ad for their Electric Shaver and Shaverest. The ad has a picture of a male hand that has burst through a large piece of white paper while holding onto one of these New items. The ad headline asks you to "Compare this new Schick against the field and be sure of the best shaver". It continues by urging you to not just take the word of "millions of enthusiastic Schick Electric Shaver owners" but to "check for yourself". It asks you to "Compare the shave you get the first time you try it", to "Compare the way it fits your face", to "Compare the way it leaves your face", to "Compare the comfort", to "Compare the bulk", to "Compare the hum" and to "Compare the ease of cleaning". It also shows the "Amazing New Shaverest" which will fit any Schick ever built.
November 11, 1946
Life magazine
Grooming Men 90

Full color 10" x 13" ad shows the new shaver and shaverest from Schick. Ad has a nice picture of the shaver.
February 10, 1947
Life magazine
Grooming Men 3

Full color 9 1/2" x 13 1/2" ad for their Electric Shaver and Shaverest. The headline makes the bold statement that "Nobody can Talk your Whiskers off" and challenges to "Let others chatter - Schick wants you to see for yourself. Either a Schick Electric Shaver proves itself the finest way to shave you ever found - or you get your money back!".There is a picture of this White and Gold unit against a blue background with the caption beginning "10-Day Trial Buy". The information says that it could have been yours for $18.00 or $15.00 for the famous Schick Colonel with another picture showing the Schick Shaverest attached to the wall at a price of $7.95.
November 3, 1947
Life magazine
Grooming Men 89

Full color 10" x 14" ad for their Electric Shaver with a Shaverest. The large red headline asks "Why Gamble on Your Gift to Dad?" as Father's Day approaches and shows a picture of the Schick Super sitting in it's half-opened case. The text talks about the 10-Day Trial stating that "Dad has to get the swellest, slickest shaves he's ever known - or you get your money refunded in full!". The text gives a price for the Super of $18.00 and $15.00 for the Schick Colonel. The ad also shows the Schick Shaverest and mentions a price of $7.95. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
June 14, 1948
Life magazine
Grooming Men 67

Full color 9 1/2" x 13 1/2" ad for their Electric Shaver. The headline asks "If you want his gift to be All-New - Stop right here!" and has a picture of this All-New shaver with the caption "Put this under his Christmas Tree!". The caption continues by identifying everything that is new and finishes with a price of only $7.95. It also mentions that the Schick Super is $21.00 and the Schick Colonel is $16.50. The text goes more into details about the improvements in this product and how much better you can expect it to be.
November 29, 1948
Life magazine
Grooming Men 84

Full color 9 1/2" x 13" ad that simply introduces the Schick "20" Anniversary Model. There is a picture of this unit and its case against a green background in actual size. The text in the ad claims they are "Celebrating 20 years as the First Name in Electric Shaving".
September 11, 1950
Life magazine
Grooming Men 86

Full color 10" x 13" ad shows colorful pictures of their 20th Anniversary Model and it's carrying case, gives the prices for the different model and discusses it's new features.
November 6, 1950
Life magazine
Grooming Men 7

Three color 9 1/2" x 12" ad for the Schick Injector Razor and Blades. The ad shows several different sets and kits with their prices and a year's supply of blades for $4.39. Also shown in the ad is a drawing of a wide-eyed Santa with a quote of "Even Makes me Want to Shave!". This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
December 11, 1950
Life magazine
Grooming Men 29

Full color 9 1/2" x 13 1/2" ad for their "20" Electric Shaver. Over a picture of a man's hand easily holding one of these units are the words asking "Want the world's easiest shave? - Follow the crowd!". We see a group of men and women looking at a man who is pointing toward the shaver in the man's hand and the words "For the shave that's really easy - and fast - and close - join the hundreds of thousands who have already switched to the new Schick "20"". The text explains that in the few months that this product has been available it has convinced may men to change their "present shaving methods". It starts by saying that "You'll begin to know why as soon as you hold this handsome new shape" and using it to shave will convince you even more. The ad has close-ups of "These Hi-Velocity Heads" and "This Real Rotary Motor" and mentions prices of $24.50 for the Schick "20", $22.50 for the Schick Super and $17.50 for the Schick Colonel.
March 26, 1951
Life magazine
Grooming Men 88

Sold Out

Black and white 5 1/2" x 12 1/2" ad for their Injector Razor and Blades. Under the ad headline that claims that "Schick Injector Razor Outshaves All Others 5 to 1" is a picture of a man's hand holding up a Complete Kit which, according to the ad, could have been yours for 98 cents. There is another drawing of a new blade being inserted and pushing the old one out. The ad says that it "Uses famous Gold Pack Blades that give finer shaves than all others...Including our own old blades!". This ad is taller than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
Sports Afield
Fishing Annual
Grooming Men 60

Sold Out

Full color 10" x 13 3/4" ad for the Schick "20" Razors. This ad says that "For men who don't feel shaved unless they're close shaved! Just like a comb, the New Schick '20's' exclusive Bevelled Comb Edges guide whiskers into perfect position for skin-line shaving. The ad shows a close-up of the Bevelled Comb Edges and, then, a drawing of a man shaving with a smile on his face. The ad then says that you should "Feast your eyes on the beauty and elegance of the New Schick '20' - but don't overlook the amazing performance that causes more men to use Schick Electric Shavers than any other make. Day in, day out, the New Schick '20' delivers close, clean shaves - speedily and comfortably - to all kinds of men with all kinds of beards. No particular skill is needed, for close shaves are built into the New Schick '20'. First off, it's not bulky. The '20's' expertly designed heads are no bigger than they should be to do a perfect job. They snuggle right down to business and actually help you reach every little out-ot-the-way place where whiskers hide. Best of all, Schick's exclusive Bevelled Comb Edges ease all whiskers into precise position for shearing off right smack at the BASE. In fact, no beard comes too tough for the New Schick '20'. It's powered by a real rotary motor - mightiest of its size in all the world. It takes anything known as a whisker - CLEAN - and leaves your face smooth as an angel's arm". This ad also talks about the No-Risk 10-Day Trial Plan" and gives a list of 56 stores, nationwide and including Canada, where Schick's could be bought.
October 20, 1952
Life magazine
Grooming Men 122

Full color 9 3/4" x 13 3/4" ad that announces the sale of the Schick "25" Electric Razor. Pictured at the top of this ad is the Schick "25" Razor, the case for it and two Schick Silver Jubilee medals, and, the headline says that "The most welcome gift of all is the 16-hour shaver". The text begins by highlighting the first sentence: "Schick - inventors of electric shaving - present the first and only electric shaver that offers a 16-hour shave: The new Schick "25"". It then says, "Ask yourself what he wants - and needs. For one thing, it should be exciting...something he'll be proud of...something he will use - and use often. And what gift answers all these reqauirements like the new Silver Jubilee Schick "25"? Exciting? No shaver has caused more excitement since Colonel Schick invented the first one 25 years ago. Pride of ownership? What could make him prouder than this white and silver beauty. Needed? What man couldn't use the unmatched convenience of the Schick 16-hour shave...seldom, if ever, will he have to shave again - breakfast to bedtime. What a feeling when he shaves with Schick - most comfortable shaver of all. Combed edges set whiskers up straight. Super-Honed heads shave 'em off flush with the skin line. And the Hi-Power motor whisks through the toughest whiskers". At the bottom of the ad it shows the "3 Reasons Why Nothing Shaves You Closer Than The New Schick "25"". It shows 1. Super-honed heads, 2. Combed edges and 3. Hi-power rotary motor
December 5, 1955
Life magazine
Grooming Men 131

Full color 9 1/2" x 12 1/2" ad for the New Schick Powershave with Superaction Edge. The ad shows a young daughter squeezing her Dad's cheeks by the Christmas tree while the ad headline explains that "The best reason to give him the new Schick comes after the shave".
December 8, 1958
Life magazine
Grooming Men 15

Three color 9 1/2" x 13" ad for their Safety Razor. The ad has a picture of a man shaving in the shower and the ad headline claims that "Today - Schick Safety Razor has the sharpest blades ever...yet it's So safe you can shave in the shower!". The ad has three sets of drawings that compare and show where their safety razor has improved and mentions a price of $1.00 with Blades and Travel Kit. The ad headline claims that it's "So safe you can Shave in the Shower!". The shows three different ways that this new Safety-Built Schick outdoes the old-style razors. The first way is that "Schick's Flat-Head design is positive guide to safe close shaves". The second way is because "Schick Locks blade in, can't loosen and cut". And the third way is that "Schick blade corners shielded, can't nick".
June 29, 1959 &
August 17, 1959
Life magazine
Grooming Men 49

Black and white 9 3/4" x 14" ad that wants you to try the Schick 3 Speed Razor. The ad has a drawing of a man, pondering and wondering, just what he thinks about the Schick 3 Speed Razor that he holds in his hand as the headline states that "You Be The Judge". The ad headline then says that they were having an "Amazing 'Say When' free trial! New Schick 3 Speed Razor". They were offering a "Special February-March offer at most Schick dealers: 'Test shave' this razor at home as long as you want, up to 30 days. Closer, faster shaves...or your money back!". They then said that you could "Compare the new Schick 3 Speed with the razor...blade or're now using. Take your time. You 'say when.' At any speed, you'll get better shaves the very first day. But try all 3 different speeds...try all 3 different settings of the adjustable Custom-Comb Shaving Head...and you'll find the combination that's perfect for you. Speed control plus head takes both to fit the shave to your beard and skin. That's why the Schick 3 Speed must out-shave your present razor...or return it to your dealer and get your money back. But don't put it off! This 30-day free trial offer expires March 31, 1960". Also, this ad had a little box in the lower right hand corner saying "Attention Schick Owners: New 3-way adjustable shaving head for most Schick electric razors. We're sorry we can't give your present Schick razor 3 soeeds. But for most models, we can offer this new shaving head...that adjusts like the head on the Schick 3 Speed. 3 settings fit the shaving angle to your face. Get it at most Schick dealers".
February 8, 1960
Life magazine
Grooming Men 123

Three color 9 1/2" x 13 1/2" ad that tells you to "Stop! Don't buy a cordless shaver that doesn't have Powerlite!". This ad for Schick Cordless has a center picture of this item and it really looks unusual. It looks like a square plastic box that says Schick near the top and has a red button on the right side. The ad says that "The new Schick Cordless is the one electric shaver with POWERLITE. That's the amazing electronic window that dims to warn you when it's time to recharge. The Schick Cordless can't let you down in the middle of a shave. And with its famous stainless steel shaving head, it must give you sharper, faster, kinder shaves. Anywhere". That idea about having the electronic window getting dimmer really doesn't seem to have caught on.
November 27, 1964
Life magazine
Grooming Men 110

Black and white 5" x 13 1/2" ad that is for the Seaforth For Men Gifts. There were many of them for sale at this time and, according to the ad, "He'll love you for it!". At the top of the ad there is a picture that shows the Seaforth Set E which consists of a Shaving Mug, Lotion and Men's Talc in gleaming stoneware. At the bottom of this ad it shows the Set C which consisted of Shaving Lotion and Talc combined in a handsome gift-wrapped box. Next it shows The Traveler which had Lotion, Talc and Cologne, in new unbreakable Duralite. Last, it shows Set F which was a Shaving Mug, Soap, Talc, Lotion and Hairdressing. The ad tells you to "Give him that wonderful Seaforth feeling...the look and the lift of successful grooming. Smart men like's bracing air of Highland heather, its man-styled packaging. Fifteen gift wrapped sets from $2.00 to $7.20. Single items in polished stoneware, only $1.00; in unbreakable Duralite for his suitcase, $1.25. At best department, drug and men's stores".
December 13, 1948
Life magazine
Grooming Men 120

Black and white 5" x 12" ad for their Heather 'n Fern Shaving Lotion. The ad has a picture of a man standing on the cap of a bottle of this product while an aggressive woman has jumped up on his back and has her arms around his neck. The ad headline, in an attempt to explain this scene, says that "Some say it's Sex, Some say it's Seaforth". The ad also mentions their New Solid Deodorant Stick that is for sale for $1.00, the same price as the Shave Lotion. This ad is taller than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
October 5, 1953
Life magazine
Grooming Men 58

Sold Out

Seven Seas
Full color 9 1/2" x 12" ad for their line of After Shave products. The ad headline, which is under a photo of various bottles of different brands, is "A new after shave? What's wrong with all the old ones?". This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
June 15, 1965
Look magazine
Grooming Men 28

Full color 9 1/2" x 12" ad that shows an assortment of their gifts and gift sets available as "Christmas Magic...from Shulton". The ad includes many different products including several Old Spice products. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
December 11, 1950
Life magazine
Grooming Men 30

Full color 9" x 12 1/2" ad that shows many of the products, including Old Spice, and their prices that are being offered for this year's Christmas. The ad headline describes these as "Gay and Glistening Gifts". This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
December 10, 1951
Life magazine
Grooming Men 33

Black and white 5" x 13 1/2" ad for their Grooming Essentials to be considered as a Christmas present for the men in your life. Shown in the ad are their Heathwood Eau De Cologne bottles, their set with Shave Lotion, Cologne, Hair Dressing, Talc and Shave Soap plus a set with their Shave Lotion and Cologne. The text explains that these products have Sports-Print Bottles.
December 16, 1946
Life magazine
Grooming Men 106

Black and white 9 1/2" x 13" ad with a picture of a feminine hand reaching up from behind an bottle of Sportsman Cologne. The hand is holding a lit match to the top of the unopened bottle under the headline that describes this as "How to light a new fire under an old flame". This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
June 11, 1965
Life magazine
Grooming Men 46

Black and white 9 1/2" x 13 1/2" ad for the Sunbeam Shavemaster. This ad has a picture of a middle-aged man talking to two older men at a table and he is reaching out and showing them a shaver and he is so excited that he says, "Men, it's a honey - the one that gets down to business and does a job". It then claims that "You hear it everywhere - from young and old alike - words of unbounded enthusiasm for Sunbeam Shavemaster. Whether it be the first shaves of the teen-aged schoolboy or those of a seasoned brush-and-lather veteran, Shavemaster has proved itself the answer to quick, close, comfort-shaving. It gives the kind of shaves men have been looking for in an electric shaver - and it does it RIGHT NOW - not next week or the one after. None Other Like It Shavemaster has a patented principle that is all its own - exclusive features different from all other electric shavers. It has greater, steady power that doesn't swoon when a man-size beard comes along. Pass the comfortable, round shaving head over your face in any direction - no skill required. It gets all the whiskers all the time".
March 14, 1938
Life magazine
Grooming Men 135

Full color 9 1/2" x 13 1/2" ad for their Shavemaster Model S Electric Shaver. An early advocate of the "Bigger is Better" philosophy they claim that their Bigger Single Head will give a "greater continuous shaving surface" and provide "Faster whisker Pick-Up". The ad provides an internal drawing of this unit to display the "Powerful Self-starting REAL Motor" and compares the head size of this model with previous Sunbeam models with models with Multiple Heads.
September 1, 1947
Life magazine
Grooming Men 93

Black and white 9 3/4" x 13 1/2" ad that advertises the Sunbeam Rollmaster. The ad has two large points-of-interest; one saying "New! Exclusive 11 degree Angle Scissor-Like Shaving Action" and the other says "Sunbeam Rollmaster Electric Closest, Fastest Shaves". There is a drawing of the razor partially disassembled and the ad says that "Sunbeam Rollmaster Specially Ground Shaving Edges are angled 11 degrees...and like scissor blades give a clean cutting action for closest, smoothest, fastest shaves. Ordinary Shaving Edges...are like seperated scissor blades - they aren't angled...can't cut as clean!". At the bottom it says that it has "Exclusive Automatic Self-Adjusting Rollers. No need to stop and adjust Sunbeam's rollers - They automatically adjust to every face and beard - as you shave".
June 6, 1960
Life magazine
Grooming Men 117

Full color 10" x 13" ad for Gift Sets for Swing Grooming Products. Ad has a photo of Arnold Palmer holding up some of the different sets. Pictured in the ad are five different sets: a set with After Shave, Cologne, Shave Cream, Deodorant and a golf ball for $5.00, a set with After Shave, Cologne and a golf ball for $3.50, a set with After Shave and Deodorant for $2.25, a set with After Shave and Shave Cream for $2.25 and a set with After Shave and Cologne for $3.00. The headline has Arnold saying "Swing is a Christmas gift any man will go for...and use...or my name isn't Arnold Palmer".
December 9, 1966
Life magazine
December 27, 1966
Look magtazine
Grooming Men 9
/ Arnold Palmer

Tabac Original
Full color 9 1/2" x 13" ad in German from a German magazine. The ad shows several sets that are offered for sale.
December 11, 1968
Bunte Illustrierte
Grooming Men 16

Full color 8" x 10 3/4" ad has a cartoon that shows a band playing their horns and violins all wearing full dress outfits except for one man who stands there in a red plaid shirt and sporting a green stocking cap on his head. The ad headline states that "Somebody's wearing Timberline".
June 1977
Grooming Men 25


Black and white 9 1/2" x 13 1/2" ad for their Toe-Nail Clilppers. The headline frightens us with the information that "Chiropodists say: It's 10 to 1 you cut your toe-nails wrong!" and there are photos that show the Right and the Wrong way to do this important task. Another set of pictures show the product being advertised which is "the first safe, easy-to-use, precision Toe-Nail Clipper" that "Cuts your Toe-Nails right, not like fingernails." The text explains the logic in creating clippers that are straight across instead of curved like the ones that are designed for fingernails and, how much does this state-of-the-art creation cost, $1.00. In addition it has an Unconditional Guarantee.
February 22, 1954
Life magazine
Grooming Men 107

Full color 10" x 13" ad for their Hair Tonic. The ad features a series of photos of a man acting like James Bond and defending himself and his lady against two men intent on spoiling his evening.
May 1, 1966
Life magazine
Grooming Men 22

Black and white 9 1/2" x 13" ad for the "new 'pressure-can' lathers". The ad has a photo of two large cans together for a cost of 98 cents and, it is claimed, that this is a half-year supply. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
April 12, 1954
Life magazine
Grooming Men 27

Black and white 10" x 14" ad for their answer for why your electric razor won't work. The ad headline says "Hey! don't throw that gift electric razor away!" and the ad will tell you why. There are three pictures along the right hand side. The first is a man showing his temper by reaching out as he makes a face and the headline says "Stop! It's not the razor's fault!". In the second picture the man has a more hospitable look on his face as he pours some Williams Lectric Shave on his hands and the text says "All you need is Williams Lectric Shave...Put some on your face before you shave". In the third picture he is shaving and the man who was grumpy, no, furious, in the first picture is now smiling as the text says "Williams Lectric Shave sets up beard...lubricates skin...evaporates you better shaves with any razor - any time".
January 9, 1956
Life magazine
Grooming Men 109

Black and white 5" x 6 1/2" ad for their Spruce products for Men. There is a picture of a set with Spruce Shave Bowl, Lotion and Talc priced at $3.00 next to a set of Four Spruce Soap for Men priced at $1.25. The ad mentions a Lotion & Shave Bowl for $2.00, Lotion & Talc for $2.00, Shave Lotion for $1.00, Shave Bowl for $1.00, Cologne for Men for $1.00 and Deodorant for $1.00. The text refers to the fragrance as the "cool, clean essence of the windswept woodlands" and being as "bracing and refreshing as the tangy scent of the forest".
June 14, 1948
Life magazine
Grooming Men 72

Sold Out

Full color 7 3/4" x 11" ad that shows a top view of an opened bottle of Yardley After Shave Lotion. The ad headline claims that "The least important thing is it's famous fragrance".
June 11, 1962
Sports Illustrated
Grooming Men 24

Full color 9 1/2" x 13" ad for their Black Label After Shave. The ad has a picture that has four items in it; a pipe that is burning, a glass of wine, a pair of leather gloves and a bottle of Yardley Black Label After Shave with the top off. The ad headline identifies these items as "Four great masculine fragrances. One of them is brand new." The ad claims that, besides smelling masculine the after shave also heals nicks and keeps your skin lubricated and only costs one dollar. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view. June 12, 1964
Life magazine
Grooming Men 51

York Town
Full color 8" x 10 3/4" ad shows a man wearing a Revolutionary War uniform holding up a bottle of York Town 1781 After Shave Lotion for Men. The ad headline explains that "Our Past Gives Wings to the Present".
June 11, 1962
Sports Illustrated
Grooming Men 23

Full color 7 3/4" x 10 3/4" ad for their 1781 After Shave Lotion. The ad has a picture of a bottle of this product sitting on a shelf next to a pair of cuff links and a pocket watch. The shelf is next to an open window that allows you to see down a brick driveway to a Jaguar parked and waiting. The ad headline, referring to the After Shave Lotion, calls it "The finishing touch" and the ad gives prices for this and the other products in their line.
December 6, 1963
Time magazine
Grooming Men 45