Sunshine Ads

These are just a small portion of the ads that we have for sale. None of these are reproductions, all are original. Most of these are large ads, larger than our scanner bed. Therefore the view shown on the page may not completely show the ad. They are placed in a plastic bag with a cardboard backboard for protection. Please e-mail us with your specific interests.

e-mail Vic with questions

Full color 7 3/4" x 11 1/2" ad for their Krispy Crackers with a mention of their Rippled Wheat Breakfast Food. The majority of the ad is devoted to the Krispy Crackers and has a drawing of four stout Bakers who have lined the crackers from a single box up and have run a tape measure along the length. The Baker who is standing nearest the business end of the tape measure is saying "Look!...More than a yard of Krispy Crackers in this Pound Package" while another one declares that "That's economy..without sacrificing quality.". The text reasons that this is enough "to feed your family for days" and that "you get about seven of them per penny". An asterik in the ad explains that these are "Known in Texas as Saltine Krispy Crackers". The bottom part of the ad is devoted to "The Most Unusual Breakfast Food you ever tasted!" which is their Rippled Wheat Breakfast Food. The text claims that it "makes the most tempting toast you've ever tasted" and that it is "always ready to use as a base for poached eggs, rarebits and creamed chicken". There is an offer of a Free recipe book containing 24 Different Ways to use this product.
April 1937
Good Housekeeping
Sunshine 3

Full color 9 1/2" x 13 1/2" ad for their Cheez-It Crackers which are identified as being "A Dainty Cheese Cracker". The headline says they are "Already...The Largest Selling Cheese Cracker in America!" and offers reasons for this as being "Lots and Lots of Cheese Flavor", Many, Many Uses", they are "Tangy and Delicious", they are the "Right Size", they come in "Convenient Packages", they have a "Popular Price" and they are "GOOD...any old time!". At the bottom of the ad are four members of a family each holding a cracker and saying "We...All...Love...'Em!".
October 27, 1947
Life magazine
Sunshine 4

Full color 9 1/2" x 13 1/2" ad for their Hi Ho Crackers. The ad has a picture of a finely set dinner table with silver, a lace doily, a bowl of salad, a turkey poked with sprigs and a One Pound box of Sunshine Ho Ho Crackers with many spread onto a platter. The headline instructs "For Finer Flavor...Serve Hi Ho" and asks you to Compare "For Appetizing Appeal", Compare "For Finer Flavor" and to Compare "For Flakiness". These crackers are identified as being "from The Thousand Window Bakeries of Sunshine Biscuits".
September 20, 1948
Life magazine
Sunshine 2

Full color 5" x 13 1/2" ad for their Hi Ho Crackers. The ad has a picture of an unopened box of this product with loose crackers scattered around and a headline that assures us that "It's Sunshine for finer flavor!". This ad is taller than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
July 1950
Sunshine 1

Full color 9 1/2" x 13 1/2" ad for their Hydrox Cookies. The ad has a drawing, done by Lawrence Wilbur, of a cute little girl who is partially hidden behind a package of these cookies and she is holding one up in preparation for another bite. The text claims that these are the "Finest ever made!" and that "Hydrox is the Original...the masterpiece of all cram-filled chocolate cookies".
March 26, 1951
Life magazine
Food Other 7
/ Wilbur

Full color 9 1/2" x 13" ad for their Hydrox Cookies. There is a picture of an unopened package of these cookies with a few loose ones scattered around on a plate filled with strawberries. Next to this are three glass containers filled with ice cream of different types and concoctions and the headline explains that "Sunshine Hydrox Cookies make perfect 'go-togethers'". It talks about the combination of "crisp chocolate wafers and creamy vanilla filling" and reminds us that It's the original.
May 5, 1961
Life magazine
Sunshine 5

Full color 9 3/4" x 13 1/2" ad for Sunshine Hi Ho Crackers. There is a large photo in the picture with a box of Sunshine Hi Ho Crackers placed against the wall with cheese, tomatoes and other condiments. In front of these are quite an assembly of cracker after cracker spread with many different kinds of additives. The ad says that "Now is the time that all-good Hi Ho Crackers come to the aid of your party!". It then says that you should "Taste the delicious difference Hi Ho's party goodness makes with festive spreads and dips, canapes and beverages! Try then now - in the large pound box or the package with three reclosable inner packs. Hi Ho, the all-round cracker. It's better baked (for better parties) by Sunshine".
November 23, 1962
Life magazine
Sunshine 7

Full color 10" x 13 1/2" ad for their Krispy Crackers. At the top of the ad is the headline "Enjoy More Flavor with New...Thin Style Krispy Crackers". The photograph in the ad shows a bowl of Tomato Soup with a spoon in it, a box of Krispy crackers and several of the crackers scattered around the soup. There is no other words in the ad, just the text on the box of crackers.
January 22, 1965
Life magazine
Sunshine 6