January |
V. Good - |
Bill of Lading - That perilous first trip, Adapto-the freight car of the future, Remote control ramp, Timber turntable pit, Wiscasset & Oswego Ry., Small-town concrete plant, Detailing the Belle of the 80's, Close-up - Branchline diesel facilities, Pocahontas Junction, Terminal strips, Bluebook of model railroad practice (29) - I-Painting and finishing, Prototype Plans and Data - Harriman 4-4-2, Ft. DDM&S combine, Branchline diesel facilities |
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$6.00 |
January |
Good + |
Bill of Lading - That perilous first trip, Adapto-the freight car of the future, Remote control ramp, Timber turntable pit, Wiscasset & Oswego Ry., Small-town concrete plant, Detailing the Belle of the 80's, Close-up - Branchline diesel facilities, Pocahontas Junction, Terminal strips, Bluebook of model railroad practice (29) - I-Painting and finishing, Prototype Plans and Data - Harriman 4-4-2, Ft. DDM&S combine, Branchline diesel facilities |
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$5.00 |
February |
V. Good - |
Bill of Lading - If you were 1" scale, Artistry in 1" scale, Greenwich Coal Co., Transfer caboose, Close-up - Waldo station, Skewed deck truss bridge, Tricks with Kadee couplers, Game room railroad, Meters, Bluebook of model railroad practice (30) - I-Painting and finishing, Prototype Plans and Data - Union Pacific 4-12-2, 1890 box car, 1887 stock car, Waldo station |
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$6.00 |
March |
V. Good - |
Bill of Lading - From the valley to the mountain, Narrow gauge 25-ton drop-bottom gondola, Evolution of Crooked Creek Pass, Close-up - MR goes to the end of a branch, Freelance flat car, Geep B unit, Hungry Horse Timber Co., "Delaware" cab control, Lamps, Bluebook of model railroad practice (31) - I-Painting and finishing, Prototype Plans and Data - DM&IR 2-8-8-4, Narrow gauge gondola, End of C&NW branch, Narrow-vestibule coach and combine, Pikes Peak rack locomotive |
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Temporarily |
April |
V. Good - |
Bill of Lading - MR visits Jim Frye, The clutter is the clincher, Three-dimensional pond, Frye Machining Co., Close-up - Canaan Junction, 1912 reefer, Columbia, Glade Creek & Western, Gems of passenger train operation, Circuit Breakers, Bluebook of model railroad practice (32) - I-Painting and finishing, Prototype Plans and Data - Canaan Junction, IC 2-8-0, 1912 Reefer, PE's 1000-class interurbans |
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$6.00 |
May |
V. Good - |
Bill of Lading - The Smiling Engineer; Bernard Corbin's Burlington Locomotives (An O gauge, scratch-built pike superbly modeled from the CB&Q); Retarder Tower (For a "going-places" railroad, build this Santa Fe humpmaster's tower); How To Model Pine Trees (How to model trees really for unbeatable realism in scenery); Sheepshanks And Short Sidings (Three practical track plans for the modeler whose space is budgeted); Close-Up - Catasauqua Crossing (The remarkable Lehigh Valley - Reading junction near the Lehigh River); Tricks With NMRA Couplers (Hints on getting high operating efficiency with NMRA components); Wood-Sheathed Box Car (Add to your rolling stock with this Sacramento Northern box car); Card Order Operation On The Victoria Northern (A new kind of card order operation that is prototypical and flexible); Fuses (Fuse varieties and their valuable assistance in model railroading); Bluebook Of Model Railroad Practice (32) - I - Painting And Finishing (Diagrams and color charts for Great Northern GP9 and NYC F7) Prototype Plans and Data - Retarder Tower; 1883 Mogul; Catasauqua Crossing; Wood-Sheathed Box Car; 0-6-0T Switcher Departments - Railway Post Office; Trade Topics; New Literature; At The Throttle; Off The Train Wire; Trackside Photos; Bull Session; Kinks; Scheduled Arrivals |
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June |
V. Good - |
Bill of Lading - Lift-out at Kidds Hill station, Ashdown Forest Ry., Reading express reefer, Extra details for the PFM K-28 Mikado, Twin-T signaling, Close-up - 6th Ave. underpass, Lisbon, Necedah & Lake Superior Ry., freelance freighthouse, Oscillators, Bluebook of model railroad practice (34) - I-Painting and finishing, Prototype Plans and Data - Reading express reefer, Extra details for the PFM K-28 Mikado, Chesapeake & Ohio 4-6-4, 6th Avenue underpass |
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$6.00 |
September |
V. Good -- |
Bill Of Lading - Work At Work; A New Card Order System (A new addition to an old idea results in more interesting operation); Lineside Supply Shed (A short, satisfying project that's loaded with interesting detail); Gordon, PA (Adapt this intriguing prototype engine terminal to your own layout); Dinger Of A Blinker (A crossing signal device requiring minimum time and equipment); Canadian National Auto Transporter (A striking 75-foot car with dimensions in prototype feet and inches); Small Yards With A Future (Start your layout with a yard that has operating possibilities now); "X" Section - Simplifier Of Cab Control (Intermediate blocks increase operating enjoyment and reduce errors); Lettering Store Windows (Use a camera to complete your layout with these convincing details); Bluebook Of Model Railroad Practice (38) G - Bridges And Structures (The first of two Bluebooks with complete prototype trestle data); Bluebook Of Model Railroad Practice (37) I - Painting And Finishing (Painting diagrams for Louisville & Nashville and Rio Grande units) Prototype Plans And Data - Gordon, PA; Union Pacific 2-8-0; Central California Box Motor; Philadelphia & Reading 1904 Hopper Car Departments - Railway Post Office; Trade Topics; At The Throttle; Off The Train Wire; Trackside Photos; Bull Session; Kinks; Scheduled Arrivals |
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$6.00 |
December |
V. Good - |
Bill Of Lading - Mail Train On The High Line; Operation On The Texas & Rio Grande Western (Part 1) (A famous brass hat tells how operation has made his road more fun); HO Challenger - A Photo Study (Superdetailing, based on careful study, results in striking realism); Locomotive Sand House & Tower (A small servicing facility that's loaded with interesting details); Virginian 100-Ton Gondola (Model this classic monster - it's a standout in any freight consist.); Track Plans For Small Spaces (Even nin a limited area, you can have some satisfying railroading); Close-Up - San Fernando Station (Convert your old coaches into a station like this Espee prototype); Zoo Junction - A Super Plan For A Club (Pennsy's famous junction, adapted into a complex, exciting plan); Scenery For The Great South Pass. (MR staff builds a "model of a model," and starts scenicking the GSP); Bluebook Of Model Railroad Practice (43) E - Locomotives (A look at some of the variations in Electro-Motive's road switchers) Prototype Plans And Data - Union Pacific 0-6-0; Lower-Quadrant Semaphores Departments - Railway Post Office; Trade Topics; At The Throttle; Off The Train Wire; Trackside Photos; Bull Session; Kinks; Scheduled Arrivals |
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$6.00 |