Fly Fishing magazine
- 1973

If an issue that you are looking for is not listed here, please inquire. We are still trying to list everything that we have.
e-mail Vic with questions

Fly Fisherman
April / May
Feature Articles - "Ten O'Clock and All is 'Perfect'" (It pays to advertise.), Michigan-The Midwestern Angler's Mecca ("I wish again to fish in Michigan".), The Sandeel Fly (The stripers strike at dawn.), Canoe for Trout (The way they do it on Oregon's Deschutes River.), The Canary in the Mine (Blips from nature's early warning radar.) Panfishing Panorama - Ultralight Delight (Panfish on light tackle.), Bluegill - Early Season Appetizer (Sharpen your skills and your appetite on these ubiquitous fish.), Paean to Panfish (A love story with no ending.), Primer of Stream Entomology-VII (Riffle areas - Feed Center of a Trout Stream.), Flick of a Fly, Add Weight to Ease Strain ("Balancing" your rod - an "old wives" tale, revisited.) Fly Tier's Bench - Who Tests Your Flies? You Or The Fish? (One chef, two recipes.), Tying the Freshwater Shrimp (A tested recipe for ersatz shrimp - serve up on stream, lake or reservoir.), The Coachman - and the Moth Hatch

Fly Fisherman
June / July
Feature Articles - Early-Morning Eye-Opener (Doug Swisher mixes some instant coffee for the author.), Foul Weather and the Fly (Don't be a fair-weather angler.), Land of the Lakes (Some Montana-bound fly-rodders can't see the lakes for the rivers.), To Labrador for Big Squaretails (Where the "ones that got away" go to live.), Yours For the Walking (A fly fisherman commends the art of "backpackage".), Making a Fly-Tying Bench (How-to-do-it - and why not.), Steelhead! (A word from fly-fishing's "third world".) Fly Tiers' Bench - The Swimming Nymph (The "report of their dead drift" is slightly exaggerated.), How to Tie the Lilama Fly - and Why (A new pattern from a man who has seen 'em all.)

Fly Fisherman
Winter / December
Special Features - The Basic Book for the Serious Fly Fisherman (Fifteen "must" titles for the angler's library.) Feature Articles - Trophy Trout From Western Waters (To the Henry's Fork of the Snake for the stonefly hatch.), The Classic Battle (Contributing editor Cordes undergoes on-the-job training "down under".), Professional Fly Fishermen (Let your guide be your conscience.), A New Era of Fibers for Fly Rods? (A new space-age "spin-off" for fly casters.), When All Else Fails... (Try matching the midge pupa next season.) Fly Tiers' Bench - The Stalking Fly (The continuing search for the entomological aqua regia.), The Dry Fly - a Mini-Revolution? (Evolution - or revolution? asks the author.), The World Down Under (Do a little wrist-deep skin-diving, and "take a look around you".), Out, Out, Damned Blood Knot! (Cut out the cursing with the Surgeon's Knot.)