December 1969 |
Contents - Tight Lines, Anglish Spoken Here, Miracle of Hat Creek, Pick Pocket Trout, Idle Thoughts of an English Angler, World in a Fly Box, Making Your own Deluxe Reel Case, The Fly Fisherman's Screen Special Feature-III (Conclusion) - The Theodore Gordon Heritage-The Legacy Fly Tier's Bench - The McNally Smelt Fly, The Beginner's Nymph Complete Fly Fisherman - Tackle & Accessories |
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February 1970 |
Contents - Nymphing on the Roaring Fork, Fit Your Fly Line to your Fishing, Sharks of Baghdad-By-The-Bay, Requiem for a Father/Fisherman, Idle Thoughts of an English Angler, A Rift in the Crowds, Leads for Better Fly Leaders Special Feature - The History of American Fly Tackle - I (The history and development of the Fly Reel.) Fly Tier's Bench - Tying the Large Fur-Bodied Nymph, Fly Lines - Letters on Fly-Tying |
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April 1970 |
Contents - Tight Lines, Anglish Spoken Here, Book Reviews, Rivers About To Die, His Majesty, The Silver King, The Deer-Hair Frog, The Sipping Rise, Stop Laughing At Me, The Impossible Dream, Raspberries in the Rain, I Fish with Flies 500 Years Old, Made for Fly Fishermen, Idle Thoughts of an English Angler Fly Tier's Bench - Tying the Gimp Nymph |
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June 1970 |
Contents - Special Issue: Getting Started in Fly Fishing, Fly Fishing, Anyone?, Selecting Your Fly Fishing Equipment: Fly Rods, Choosing a Fly Line, Buying a Fly Reel, Leader Logic, Selecting Your Flies, Basic Accessories, Learning to Cast - with the Fly-O, Fly Fishing Today and Tomorrow, Prince of Panfish, Hot Weather Bass, Fly-Fishing Small Trout Streams Fly Tier's Bench - Getting Started in Fly Tying |
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August 1970 |
Feature Articles - Salmon in the Rough (The thrill of that first Atlantic salmon,crisply conveyed.), Fly-Fishing The Pacific Coast (New frontiers for salt-water fly-rodding on the West Coast.), The Importance of Preston Jennings (No "generation gap" as one prominent angler-entomologist views another.), A New Era in Trout Fishing (Story of a new fishing preserve of great promise for the future.) Special Section: Late-Summer Fly Fishing - The Art of Diminution (An originator of the art tells how to think small, catch big.), Fishing as Hot as the Weather (FFM Senior Editor talks about low water trout fishing.), Don't Spart the Spiders! (California fly-rodder hacks it in hot weather with the spider.), Midge Fishing Simplified (Midge rods are great, but you don't need them to fish fine and far off.), History of Fly Tackle-II (Fly-tackle historian Shepard continues with coverage of early fly reels.) Fly Tier's Bench - Tying the Midge Fly (Midge simplifier Nixon encores with details on tying up the tinies.), Getting Started in Fly Tying-II (Our new "bench-warmer" tells how to tie the all-purpose bucktail steamer.) |
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October 1970 |
Feature Articles - The Dublin Letters of A. S. Neff, The Mighty Mini-Rod, He's Mine, All Mine, The Odyssey of a Fly-Angling Johnny Appleseed, Fly Fisherman's Fire, Commuter Fly Fishing, Making Custom Skeleton Reel Seats, History of American Fly Tackle III (Early patent reels.) Fly Tier's Bench - Croydon Hand Vise, Tie the Royal Coachman Parachute Fly, Tying the Muddler Minnow The Complete Fly Fisherman |
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January 1971 |
Feature Articles - Fly-Fishing a River of History, Special Announcements To Readers, Stop Milking Angling's Sacred Cows, The Lake Called Henry, A Brief History of Fly-Fishing in France, Pictorial - French Fly Fishermen in Action Fly Tier's Bench - The Jungle Cock Situation in Brief, Origin of the Muddler Minnow |
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May 1971 |
Feature Articles - Drive-In Wilderness Trout (Curb service on Montana's Flathead River.), Bass - Fly Caster's Choice (Dedicated to Maine angler's who can't see the bronzies for the brookies.), Chesapeake Bay's Popular Poplar Island (Fly-rodding for salt-water stripers at their home office.), The Art of Fishing the Flymph - Part One (The Flymph Phenomenon - as told to Pete Hidy.), The Crowler Pole (Have you had any problem with the Post Office lately?), The Invisible Fly Line? (Field test of the new monofilament fly-line.) Casting About - Norway's Alta / Alaska's Kadake / Labrador's Reed's Pond, East Coast Striped Bass Survey Fly Tier's Bench - The Dubbed-Fur Body, Fishing and Tying the Gerbubble Bug |
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July 1971 |
Feature Articles - The Lady and the Pinware (Who would taka a lady into lustiest Labrador for salmon?), The Angler Breeched (Introducing to our pages Mr. S. G. Hackle, of Lower Manhattan and the Upper Beaver Kill.), The Western Green Drake (A new tie for an old fly-and the rationale behind it.), A Primer for Budding Bass-Buggers (Bass were made to be bugged.), Thoughts About Salmon Flies (A touch a heresy from one of Great Britain's leading angler writers.), Battenkill Nocturne (A lyrical song for a soft summer evening.), Fishing the Flymph-II (The dry fly and the flymph-a parallel.) Special Feature - The Voice in the Wilderness (A timely survey of conservation...from then to now.) Casting About - Great Bear Lake / Kishkutena Lake, Ontario / Yugoslavia Fly Tier's Bench - Let's Tie a Dry Fly - Western Style! (In which Polly gives everyone east of the Rockies hell!), Selecting Hackle (Some wise words on the keystone of successful fly-tying.) |
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September 1971 |
Feature Articles - Trophy Rainbows of Alaska (What's happening on Alaska's Copper River.), The Gray Ghost (While Carry Nation cavorted, Carrie Stevens tied one on.), The Wonderful World of Trout (Introduction to the new Freshet Press edition of Charles Fox' classic.), Mountain Mistress (An invitation to a favorite Colorado stream.), It's Time to Harvest our Farm Ponds (The doctor prescribes removal of an imbalance, painlessly.), Roll Your Own Fly-Rods (Availability of rod kits makes rod-building easy to start.), For "Hip" Waders Only (A flexible lexicon for anglers over the hump.) Casting About - Ten Great Places To Cast a Fly - 3 (Costa Rica / Argentina / New Zealand.), Fly Fisherman's River (September is a great time for New Mexico's San Juan River.) Fly Tier's Bench - Drug Store Nymphs, Balsa Pencil Poppers |
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November 1971 |
Feature Articles - Salmo Salar and I (He had to go and lose it at the Kedwick - his virginity, that is.), The Long Leader (What to do when you come to the end of the line.), How to Make a Leader Dispenser (How-to-do-it feature by an I-dun-it.), Dry Flies in a Dinosaur Landscape (A Patagonian vignette by a South-of-the-borders habitue.), Quality Trouting (Not all trout streams are born; some are made.), Barbless Hooks (Like the weather, everybody talks about them, but...), An Angling Reminiscence (A small Christmas tale of 19th-century England - from us to you.), The Backpacking Fly Fisherman (How to get where you haven't been, practically free.), The River That Runs Both Ways (The West Branch of Maine's Penobscot is a two-way street.), Fishing The River of Mail (Postal departments of the world give angling stamp of approval.), The End of the Season (The fine fishing ended, but it's succulence lingered on.) Casting About - Party Boat Fly Fishing (They said it couldn't be done - but later on, not too loud.) Fly Tier's Bench - Protection of Furs and Feathers, The Goofus Bug |
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January 1972 |
Feature Articles - Hoarding the Cast (Cast, but don't broadcast, says ex-flailer.), Trout of the Tiny Waters (Recollections on the large problems of small streams.), The Gulper Phenomenon (Into wild waters by belly boat.), Testament of a Fisherman (One man's reason as to why he does it.), Nice Work, If You Can Get It! (On the pitfull plight of those who "got it".), Tom Griffin's Poacher (A triple-threat man joins the Club 22.) Fly Tier's Bench - The Cress Bug, The Untouchable Wooly Worm, Fly-Tying Classes in England |
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March / April 1972 |
Feature Articles - Ritz, Cascade Rainbow (Washington's rugged Naches, from Deadhorse Hill to Edgar Rock.), A Fellowship of Salmon Anglers (A familiar voice from the past tells it like it was.), A Novitiate on the Holy Water (Now you can make the pilgrimage, on bended knee, to the Test and Itchen.), Customizing Your Fly Lines (Even today's finest fly lines deserve a few extra touches.), If You Can't Beat 'Em, Join 'Em (The Pensacola natives thought he was nuts - and so did he, at first.), The Making of a Fly Fisherman (Now! You too can attend the fly-fishing school of your choice!), A Primer of Fly-Fishing Entomology - 1 (Imitating the Drifting Insect.) New Feature - The Stream-Watcher's Log (Top anglers report on the waters in their areas each issue.) Fly Tier's Bench - Flies That Go to Sea (Some flies of one of the new frontier's of salt-water fly-rodding.), Tying the Cook-a-Tough (A disciple of the late Bill Blades builds a deadly smallmouth fly |
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May / June 1972 |
Feature Articles - A Giant Leap for the Atlantic Salmon (Danish netting of salmon is scheduled to cease.), The Time of the Caddis (The Michigan fly hatch that ain't - a caddis, that is.), Big Tarpon (About the special equipment and skills for big saltwater gamefish.), Early Morning on the Trout Stream (A nice mix of mood and musts for the dawn trouter.), Approaches to the Coastal Cutthroat (Privileged information about British Columbia's best-kept secret.), Iceland Salmon for Rent (Author tells about a cheap way to fish for the best.), Recent Developments in Fly Lines (Four significant advances in fly lines.), SPECIAL INSERT: The 1972 Fly Lines Recommendation Chart (Reprinted by permission of Scientific Anglers as a service to readers.), Primer of Stream Entomology-II (Midge Pupae-Feed for Trout.), Do You Know The Rules? (An article that asks the question-"Oh, yeah".), The Stream-Watcher's Log (Reports on expectations on major streams during next two months.) Fly Tier's Bench - The Loop-Wing Emerger (A new approach to the emerging nymph.), Imitating the Jungle Cock (A "cock-eyed" idea from a reader.), Home-Made Fly-Tying Tools (Just what the doctor ordered for your next fly surgery.), The Complete Fly Fisherman (New products.) |
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August / September 1972 |
Feature Articles - Lining Up Your Rod (More on matching your line to your rod.), Largemouth! (Strong words about the most ubiquitous of bass.), The Fly That Fishermen Forgot (Is the caddis the hatch-to-match for the future?), Act of Mercy (It was a hollow toast to that lunker on the bar.), Maine's Moose River (An unfamiliar by-product of a well-known product.), Primer of Stream Entomology-III (Troubles with the Caddis Fly Hatch.), Salmon Fisher's Bounty (The angler's payoff comes in many denominations.), Nights on the Gibbon (An affectionate reminiscence on Yellowstone's forgotten river.), The Stream-Watcher's Log (Reports of expectations on major streams during the late summer.) Fly Tier's Bench - Tying the May Fly (Breaking the extended-body barrier.) |
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October / November 1972 |
Feature Articles - Birth of an Idea, Dry Fly Downstream, Only Yesterday, Barbless Hooks, A Flick of the Fly, Lure and Lore of the Mayfly, Give Them the Slip Fly, Primer of Stream Entomology IV Insect Life Cycles Fly Tier's Bench - Nymphing for the Postponed Hatch, Quill Wing Cutter, The Staff of Life and Limb, Jungle Cock is for the Birds, The 87 cent Bucket |
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December 1972 January 1973 |
Contents - Tight Lines; Fly Fisherman's Bookshelf Feature Articles - Rogan Of onegal (Ireland's fly-tying dynasty lives on); Fisherman's River Boat (The saga of the storied Au Sable river boat); The Late Peter Schwab On Rods, Lines And Casting (Opinions, thoughts, biases and heresies of a great fly caster); "Furriners" On Our Chalk Streams (A prominent British angler and river proprietor discusses his guests); Acres Of Bluegills In Your Own Back Yard (A few tips about farm-pond fishing - a great between-trips tranquilizer); A Flick Of A Fly (Angler-artist does his chalk-talk thing about saltwater fly-rodding); The Fly And The Current (Idaho angler tells how it is on Silver Creek) The Fly Tier's Bench - The Joe Brooks Memorial Flies (The late Joe Brooks receives a fine tribute from a fishing buddy); Tying A Stonefly Nymph (Not enough can be said about this valuable pattern and its use); Primer Of Stream Entomology - V (Fly-fishing in February - try the Snow Fly Hatch) |
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April / May 1973 |
Feature Articles - "Ten O'Clock and All is 'Perfect'" (It pays to advertise.), Michigan-The Midwestern Angler's Mecca ("I wish again to fish in Michigan".), The Sandeel Fly (The stripers strike at dawn.), Canoe for Trout (The way they do it on Oregon's Deschutes River.), The Canary in the Mine (Blips from nature's early warning radar.) Panfishing Panorama - Ultralight Delight (Panfish on light tackle.), Bluegill - Early Season Appetizer (Sharpen your skills and your appetite on these ubiquitous fish.), Paean to Panfish (A love story with no ending.), Primer of Stream Entomology-VII (Riffle areas - Feed Center of a Trout Stream.), Flick of a Fly, Add Weight to Ease Strain ("Balancing" your rod - an "old wives" tale, revisited.) Fly Tier's Bench - Who Tests Your Flies? You Or The Fish? (One chef, two recipes.), Tying the Freshwater Shrimp (A tested recipe for ersatz shrimp - serve up on stream, lake or reservoir.), The Coachman - and the Moth Hatch |
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June / July 1973 |
Feature Articles - Early-Morning Eye-Opener (Doug Swisher mixes some instant coffee for the author.), Foul Weather and the Fly (Don't be a fair-weather angler.), Land of the Lakes (Some Montana-bound fly-rodders can't see the lakes for the rivers.), To Labrador for Big Squaretails (Where the "ones that got away" go to live.), Yours For the Walking (A fly fisherman commends the art of "backpackage".), Making a Fly-Tying Bench (How-to-do-it - and why not.), Steelhead! (A word from fly-fishing's "third world".) Fly Tiers' Bench - The Swimming Nymph (The "report of their dead drift" is slightly exaggerated.), How to Tie the Lilama Fly - and Why (A new pattern from a man who has seen 'em all.) |
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Winter / December 1973 |
Special Features - The Basic Book for the Serious Fly Fisherman (Fifteen "must" titles for the angler's library.) Feature Articles - Trophy Trout From Western Waters (To the Henry's Fork of the Snake for the stonefly hatch.), The Classic Battle (Contributing editor Cordes undergoes on-the-job training "down under".), Professional Fly Fishermen (Let your guide be your conscience.), A New Era of Fibers for Fly Rods? (A new space-age "spin-off" for fly casters.), When All Else Fails... (Try matching the midge pupa next season.) Fly Tiers' Bench - The Stalking Fly (The continuing search for the entomological aqua regia.), The Dry Fly - a Mini-Revolution? (Evolution - or revolution? asks the author.), The World Down Under (Do a little wrist-deep skin-diving, and "take a look around you".), Out, Out, Damned Blood Knot! (Cut out the cursing with the Surgeon's Knot.) |
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Pre-Season / March 1974 |
Feature Articles - Trout: Wild and Tame (The anatomy of a wild trout stream.), Rainbows Under Pots of Gold (Don't cross the Delaware, FFM field editor Lee says - fish it!), Fly Reel Types (FFM technical editor Cairns discusses basic fly reel types.), Trout With a Touch of Salt (Sea-run coastal cutthroat in British Columbia - a love affair.), New Technical Development in Fly Rods (Rod-maker Clock talks about new rod materials - including his own new rods.), Why Wait 'Til Spring? (If you don't ski, fish, says this wintertime Montana fly angler.) Fly Tier's Bench - Fish the Impossible Places (The upside-down flies are back, and the inventor talks about them.), Tying the Scud (Another look at this extremely effective and increasingly popular imitation.), Assembling Rod Kits (Three-kit veteran talks about assembly of fly rod kits.), Complete Fly Fisherman (Big news on the fly-rod front.) |
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Mid-Season Angling 1974 |
Feature Articles - Salvation on the Yellowstone (Stream-Hopping in Montana.), The Battenkill's Four Seasons (How to be skunked four times a year and learn to love it.), Backpacking Your Favorite Fly Rod (Put your rod and the road behind you.), Nymphs - Mid-Season Pick-Up for Trout (Second of a series on California's "12-month season".), Fly-Fishing the Western Lakes (A top Western guide tells all about it.), New Feature: Casting About (Quebec / Labrador / Bahamas.) Special Feature - The Fisherman - Another Endangered Species? (Part One of a two-part article of unusual importance to anglers.) Fly Tier's Bench - Tying - and Fishing - the Keel Bass Bug, New Department: Trout Flies of Yesteryear, New Uses for Old Cats |
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Winter Issue 1974 |
Feature Articles - Bonefish! (Mr. Bonefisher talks about Mr. Bone, phantom of the flats.), A Kirkaig Salmon (A finely written account of a not-too-brief encounter of a man with a fish.), Competition (That's the name of the game, and the writer relives a few trick plays.), Men Behind the Vise-1: John Venland (First of a series on famous fly tiers.), Thank You, California (A New Zealand angler's appreciation for a century of fine fishing.), At First Sight (Can a New York angler find true love in the Catskills?) Departments - Casting About (Great Lakes coho and Eastern muskie...on the fly.), Fly Tier's Bench - The Latex Caddis Nymph (A new technique for nymph bodies.), Trout Flies of Yesteryear (The flies of Jim Leisenring.), How to Make a Fly-Tying Bench, New-The Rod Rack (Two new tackle-making books.) |
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Mid-Season 1978 |
Features - Columbia River Shad (Heavy water and strong fish in the Pacific Northwest); Minnesota's Border Bass (Smallmouths in the North Woods of the Midwest); Washington County Smallmouths (Bronzebacks in the Down East State); The Russ Peak Loop Knot (Making the connection between line and leader); Backpack Your Fly Rod (Combining the sports of fly-fishing and backpacking); Ants (Now praise we the lowly ant); Better Bluegilling (Getting the most out of your panfish sport); Which Nymph When? (Selecting the proper nymbh for selective trout); Streamside Hatch-Catchers (Making your own convenient fly catchers); The Skittering Pupa (Emerging caddis on the run); To Cast A Hex (Meeting and fishing the Hexagenia limbata hatch) Departments - Tight Lines (Letters from anglers); Anglish Spoken Here; Fly Fisherman's Bookshelf; Back Casts (Answers from the experts); Fishing On Film; The Rod Rack (Building leaders); Tackle Bag (New products for anglers); The Fly Tiers Bench (Vermiculations); Birth Of An Ausable Wulff; Trout Flies Of Yesteryear; Making A Chap-Sticker; Fly Lines (Letters from tiers); The Stream Watchers Log (June to Mid-July); Casting About (Fly-Fishing Martha's Vineyard); The Seasonable Angler (Metamorphosis) |
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