Kitchen Soap & Cleaning Product Ads

These are just a small portion of the ads that we have for sale. None of these are reproductions, all are original. Most of these are large ads, larger than our scanner bed. Therefore the view shown on the page may not completely show the ad. They are placed in a plastic bag with a cardboard backboard for protection. Please e-mail us with your specific interests.

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Full color 9 1/2" x 13" ad for the Kitchen Cleanser that now contains Bleach. The ad has a picture of a spot-less kitchen sink with a lady (with soft and beautiful hands) who is holding a sponge in her hands displaying the cleaning job she has done with the can of Bab-O that sits proudly by. The ad headline assures us that "Now! Stains disappear with this Fingertip cleansing action!" and that "Only Bab-O with Bleach cleans away coffee, tea, fruit stains so easy!". This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
October 1955
Ladies Home Journal
View Kitchen Soap 10

Bon Ami
Full color 8" x 10 3/4" ad shows a large box of cake and powder sitting in a miniature neighborhood. The ad headline gives this product "Spotless cleanliness without hard work!"
September 1925
Farm Journal
View Kitchen Soap 1

Bon Ami
Full color 7 1/4" x 10 3/4" ad that assures you that the new Powder in its Sprinkling Can is the equal of the long-time favorite Bon Ami Cake. There is a drawing of a smiling maid pouring a quantity of Bon Ami onto a rag as she works her way through the house. The text touches on some of the many items and places you can use Bon Ami without a chance of scratching any surface. They are also claimed to "never toughen or redden the hands" and the containers of both are shown in the lower right corner of the ad along with a coupon that will allow you to get "A Fairy Tale for the Children" for the price of only 4 cents which is to cover the stamps.
October 1927
Farm Journal
View Kitchen Soap 17

Full oclor 9 1/2" x 13" ad for their Dishwashing Detergent. The ad has a picture of a lady doing the dishes in her kitchen and having a conversation with herself. At first she is admiring how clean her glasses and plates are as she says "Dreft cleans dishes to beat the band! (All the grease-cutting power of the best-known wasday detergents)" but then she looks at her hands and decides "But it's oh! so Safe for lovely hands! (A miracle detergent completely free of harsh ingredients!)". The text highlights the facts that it is "Wonderfully safe!", that it is "Wonderfully efficient!" and has "No harsh ingredients of any kind!" before urging you to "Get new, milder Dreft".
September 1952
View Kitchen Soap 18

Full color 7 1/2" x 10 1/2" ad that has BEFORE and AFTER photos that prove just how safe Dreft is for your hands. The first photo shows a woman at the kitchen sink holding up a glass she has just washed while saying that "Dreft cuts grease the fastest way ever!" and that it "Actually gets dishes cleaner...without any wiping at all!". The next picture shows her dressed up for a night-out and she is holding a fan with her hands prominent while making the claim ",,,and yet Dreft is so SAFE for my hands!". The text in the ad is about half-devoted to the job it does cleaning your dishes with the other half devoted to the safe care of your hands.
October 1954
Good Housekeeping
View Kitchen Soap 20

Full color 7 3/4" x 11" ad for their Pink Dishwashing Detergent. Under the headline "New Dishwashing Detergent" is the claim "Now so much milder to hands! Looks like a Lotion (it's pink)" and a picture of pink crystals flowing from a box of Dreft into the hands of a lady who is holding a spotless glass over her sink filled with suds. The text alternates between talking about how well it dissolves grease to how wonderful the suds feel on your hands.
June 1956
Good Housekeeping
View Kitchen Soap 14

Three color 5" x 11" ad for their Soap for your Dishwasher. The ad cautions owners of Electric Dishwashers that only Dishwasher Soap should be used in a dishwasher, the ordinary soaps and detergent used by many to hand wash dishes are not safe in your electric dishwasher. The ad gives a list of the major dishwasher brands that approve Electro-Sol in their product and the ad offers, for 10 cents, a booklet that will give you Short Cuts to Better Electric Dishwashing.
September 1952
Good Housekeeping
View Kitchen Soap 21

Black and white 4 1/4" x 12 1/2" ad for their Soap that won't hurt your hands when used for washing dishes. The ad has a picture of a very sad lady who seems to be crying as she lay her head onto her rough hands. The ad headline has her thinking "I thought I'd been Snubbed" and explains how her hands were rough from washing dishes until she switched to Ivory. This ad is taller than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
November 1938
Better Homes & Gardens
View Kitchen Soap 8

Ivory Snow
Full color 9 1/2" x 13" ad for their Dishwashing Soap. The ad has a series of pictures that show a lady working in the garden then washing dishes with her older Aunt. They tried Bar Soap and Granulated Soap with slow and painful results so they tried Ivory Snow and they were soon dancing. The ad headline says that "Down on My Auntie Belle's Farm...Ivory Snow for Dishwashing Works like a Charm!". This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
June 1944
View Kitchen Soap 9

Ivory Snow
Full color 10" x 13" ad with several different drawings of a lady and her daughter dancing and singing as they wash their dishes with Ivory Snow. The ad headline tells us that "Now there's Swing in the Kitchen. Since I tuned out my dishpan blues with Ivory Snow".
September 1944
Ladies Home Companion
View Kitchen Soap 2

Ivory Snow
Full color 9 1/2" x 13" ad for the Dish Soap that gives "Kindness to Hands! Speed in the Dishpan!". The ad shows two women who are upset about how red and rough their hands are from doing dishes and a third lady who is singing as she does her dishes with her daughter because they are using Ivory Snow. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
May 1947
Woman's Home Companion
View Kitchen Soap 6

Ivory Snow
Full color 9 1/2" x 13" ad for their Granulated Soap. Most of the text is devoted to using it as a Dishpan Soap but, as with many soaps in this time period, it had a variety of uses. The headline says "They're never too young to learn!" and the three pictures show a young mother teaching her daughter about Ivory Snow. The ad stresses that it is famous for Mildness and for Speed and claims that "This one soap gives both Kindness to Hands! and Speed in the Dishpan!". It talks about Bar Soap being too slow and other Washday Soaps being too strong but "Ivory Snow's just right".
December 1947
View Ivory Soap 38

Sold Out

Ivory Snow
Full color 7 3/4" x 10 1/2" ad for their granulated soap. In the days where it was important for a soap to clean more than one item we had products like this. The ad has a picture of a lady sitting on her bed holding up a pair of nylons that she has just cleaned with the same soap that she uses to clean her dishes without making her hands miserable. The ad headline claims that "Your hands will tell you why! Ivory Snow keeps lovely washables lovely longer".
October 1948
Women's Day
View Kitchen Soap 11

Full color 10" x 13 1/2" ad for their Dishwashing Soap. This ad, with a lot of the same information that other ads for Joy had but with a different layout, claims that "Joy in a bottle beats anything in a box for dishwashing magic". It claims that the fact that it is liquid offers diswashing advantages that beats anything in a box. It offers three reasons to prove this fact. It claims that it "Costs less to use! Thrifty measuring cap stops wast!", that it is "As easy to use as hand lotion already dissolved - instant suds!" and that it contains an "Exclusive ingredient for more grease-cutting power...".
September 1952
View Kitchen Soap 19

Full color 10" x 13" ad for their Liquid Dishwashing Soap. The headline makes the claim that "Joy in a Bottle beats Anything in a Box" and the text goes into the three reasons that make it so. The first reason is that it Costs less to use: Thrifty measuring cap stops waste, the second reason is because it is As easy to use as hand lotion already dissolved - instant suds while the third reason is because it has an Exclusive ingredient for more Grease-Cutting Power. In addition this new formula is "Kinder to hands than ever before".
October 1952
View Kitchen Soap 15

Four color 7 1/2" x 10 1/2" ad for their new Liquid Detergent for Dishes. The ad has a picture of a smiling lady looking back over her shoulder at the camera as she pauses in her task of putting away dishes that she has just washed and dried. The ad talks about the ease that comes with using this product since "it floats grease off plates" and how just a little bit does a lot of dishes. The ad also mentions that it is "Packed in a can as it should be - with a dripless spout". This ad also takes the opportunity to mention Lux Flakes for nylons which it claims will double the life of your nylons.
April 1954
Woman's Day
View Kitchen Soap 12

Sold Out

Full color 7 3/4" x 10 3/4" ad for their Liquid Detergent for Dishes with a pat-on-the-back for their Flakes for Nylons. The ad has a picture of a lady in a red dress with white polka-dots sitting on a bench holding up some clean dishes in one hand while holding up an oversize can of Lux Detergent in the other. While she is doing this she has raised her one leg to show off how clean her nylons have become. The top-half of the ad is for the dishwashing detergent with the headline "Now it's New Lux Liquid for dishes" and the bottom half of the ad is for the Flakes with the headline "Just as it's always been Lux Flakes for Nylons".
May 1954
Woman's Day
View Kitchen Soap 13

Sold Out

Black and white 9 1/2" x 13" ad for their Disinfectant. The ad has a photo of the Dionne Quints at just under two years old and the headline claims "Change for Five...Laundered with Lysol". The ad text claims that their diapers have been laundered with Lysol from the beginning and it has also been used to clean everything in their house. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.
February 1936
Pictorial Review
View Kitchen Soap 7

Sold Out

Old Dutch
Full color 9 1/2" x 12 1/2" ad for their Cleanser made with Seismotite. The ad mentions that the Postwar version of this product is New and Improved and there is a picture of a can of this product that, we are told, is the same familiar package. They claim that it gives "Faster Easier Cleaning!", that it has a "New Gliding Action!" that takes less rubbing and leaves what it cleans "Snow White" because it rinses away quickly. You are urged to try this product because it is Utterly Different.
December 1947
View Kitchen Soap 22

Old Dutch
Full color 10" x 13" ad for their Cleanser with Sunshine Suds. There is a large picture of a kitchen sink being cleaned and the headline says that this "New Cleanser turns Golden when Wet - Cleans faster...Kills Germs...and Odors". There are six smaller pictures that show things that it will clean and other benefits you will notice.
November 9, 1953
Life magazine
View Kitchen Soap 23

Black and white 6 1/2" x 10" ad for their Soap. The ad has a two frame cartoon with people in a European town and text in the form of a rhyme.
March 1901
Good Housekeeping
View Kitchen Soap 5

Sold Out

Black and white 6" x 9" ad for their Soap. The ad shows a map that covers the border of two states, Shining State and Filthy State. The ad contains a little rhyme that ends by saying that the City Seal of Spotless Town is Sapolio.
March 1901
Home Magazine
View Kitchen Soap 4

Sold Out

Black and white 6" x 9 1/4" ad for their Soap. The ad has drawings that reflect people cleaning at home and in stores while using this product. The ad claims this product "Cleans, Scours, Polishes - Works Without Waste".
February 1907
The World's Work
View Kitchen Soap 3

Full color 9 1/2" x 13 1/2" ad that makes the claim that this laundry soap is so good that when used in your kitchen it's A Dishwashing Miracle!. There is a drawing if a kitchen sink where a lady is doing her dishes with Tide and has stopped to view her beaming reflection in a metal pan. The headline claims "Cleaner Dishes...Ring-Free Pan...Tide cuts Grease as no Soap can!". It discusses three benefits to using this product as being 1) No greasy water - No dishpan "ring", 2)Dishes sparkle - even without wiping! and 3)Kind to hands, too - now milder than ever!. The ad ends by suggesting that you "Always buy Two...One for Dishes...One for Laundry".
January 28, 1952
Life magazine
View Tide 16